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My body felt like it was numb. It was in so much pain. I was happy that monster was gone. With all this going on I felt I was in a pool of darkness. I wish the pain would stop but it will stay like the last time. This time was different though because Okita and Sawn were here to make sure that I stayed safe from danger but I wish I could help. I felt so weak but that was because I was weak. I just wanted to cry but tears would not come maybe because I was a monster. I had no idea why I healed so fast or why I couldn't die when Jake did all of that stuff to me. The only thing that I could do was to be hopeful of having a good life with the people I cared about. Then I saw a light in my dark pool of nothing.

"Chizuru, Sky, Chizuru, Sky!" Voice kept yelling at me. Those names sounded fimilar. "Is that me or what." After saying my head shot in pain. The pain jogged my memory and I yelled into the void "my name is Chizuru Yakumuru and also Sky Black and I can't give up until the end!!!"

The light grew bigger until I saw shiloutes of two people leaning over me. I felt something hitting my face when I looked over it was Sawn's blue hair and next to Sawn was Okita.

"Hey guys" I said as I tired to get up from the table they placed me on. But the pain from my body told me another story. As I tired to get up my body started to give but Okita caught me.

"Hey don't go moving already you been though so much in the past day!" Okita yelled at me because he did not want to see me push myself too much.

He was covered in blood but he did not have any wounds but when I looked down I saw that I was immersed in blood but my own. Before I could say anything Sawn patted me on the head and said "Hey don't cry because your protectors are here to keep you safe." When he said it made me laugh because Sawn was never that energic before.

"What is so funny Sky!" Sawn said as he made a funny annoyed face to the both of us.

"Maybe it because of the face that you are making" Okita said as he try not to laugh but unable to hold it in.

After Okita controled his laughter he picked me up "Now lets get you cleaned up. Hey Sawn where are we going now?" Sawn I guess did not think this far because he was deep in thought.

"Well we can here cleaned at your place than we can go clothes shopping because our place is not safe at all." My brain was confused because what the hell was clothes shopping I think it was were I got more clothes but why I have clothes.

"What in the hell is clothes shopping I have lots of clothes?" I asked the two they looked at me like I was joking. Then they realized that I was not joking and Sawn told me how our place was not safe at all and that we will be on the road for a while.

"What about that place you visit everyday then? Also what about Armin? " I kept asking questions. He took the time to answer each question and told me that Armin was going to place why we were traveling and not to worry about it.

After we talked for those couple of minutes we begun to head to the car. We got into the car it felt so tiny with all three of us Okita was still holding me so we sat in the back of the car. It so tiny with just the three of us. Then I thought if we have to find more people we would need a bigger car.

"Hey Sawn do you want me to get a new car so we are not gonna be cramped in this tiny one." I asked but the second I asked he growled at me.

"It is not that tiny but I guess you are right because this only hold a few people we will after shopping okay Sky." I nodded my head in agreement.

Okita was in shock that I just said I am going to buy a car like it was food but he did not know. "Hey Okita have you heard of Ryder Mech and Ryder Motors?" Sawn asked as he begun to drive the car to Okita place.

I could tell that Okita had to think about this then said "Aren't they super famous but the owner that started it all is dead right?" Then I explained that dead owner was my father my dad was Ryder and he loved cars and anything to do with them. "Wait so you are super rich then!?" Okita yelled because he was shocked that I had much because of how much my life sucked. I then told him that I did not care about the money and that I only used it for needed items only. I lived like a hermit when I moved in with the guys and only cared about simple things. Her understand why I did what I did because money is not the key to happiness.

I knew Okita did not care if I had money or not, he cared about me, the real me. I was so happy because people who knew who I was loaded just wanted to use me. "Thank you guys!" I said cheerfully. After saying that my eye became heavy and I fell asleep in Okita's arms.

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