Page 3 - A New Hope

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"end voice log" Shadow ended the voice recording and put it back up onto this little desk right below a painting that was hung on the wall and jumped onto his bed to rest and think to himself.

The next day.

Shadow left his room to head to the dining area, but then he heard a commotion which stopped him from continuing on as his curiosity took over.

He went to where he had heard the commotion to witness.... that Selene was being attacked by that Zach. Shadow was terrified so he was about to run away from that room.

But he couldn't run, he was frozen there, what was holding him back? He started remembering all the abuse, all the pain, all the sadness.

"No more, I am done with this, I am not going to allow someone else to be abused, never again" Shadow shoved his fear down and grabbed all the courage he could, and made a stance right there right then.

"HEY LEAVE HER ALONE YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING JERK" he yelled to Zach, they both looked Shadow's direction. Zach responded "what can a wimp like you possibly do about it?"

Zach used Psybeam and it hit Shadow directly, he collapsed, "never again am I going to let others act all high and mighty as they walk all over the rest" Shadow said out loud by accident (sorry couldn't think of a better way to phrase that).

He stood up, Zach told him "You don't learn when to quit do you?" Shadow simply screamed "NEVER AGAIN!!" and just like that he evolved into....into....what, no way, he evolved into Umbreon, a dark type pokémon.

By random but subtle impulse; Shadow used shadow ball, and it was super effective against a psychic type like Zach. He ran off like a coward. "Did I...did I do that?" Shadow said completely oblivious to the fact he just evolved, he looked behind him to see if someone else helped only to notice that he looked different than before.


Well well well, looks like Zach is the wimp now, just like that he's gone, and good riddance. Let's hope Zach is gone for good. Here it is the umbreon, he somehow had no idea he evolved or even used that move that just destroyed Zach.
(@korbinservergundam now the rest of this is an authors note) Now I know I don't normally do an A.N. here but this is a rare occasion, since one of the tags I had on this story (#selfconflict) got my story to #4 (well at least for that tag) so the rest of this story will now be 400 letters long.


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