Page 18 - criminal history

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The next day.

Shadow went into town to do something and not long after he was in town he heard a couple of guns cocking behind him "I told you guy's I'm through." He said. "Oh we're not here to get you to come back." They said.

"So you've come here to finish me." Shadow said. "Well why don't you just shoot me now and be done with it?" Shadow asked. "You betrayed us and left." They said, "you're lucky I never told the had better put a bullet in my head right now (if you can that is) or the next time you come after me or my mate I will end your lives in half a second, and without a second thought." Shadow told them.

"You're still as cocky as ever, well all we have to say is goodbye." They told him. Shadow hadn't realized that Selene was watching the whole thing, and hearing every last word.

*BA-BANG!!!* the sound of a double gun-shot was heard however Shadow moved faster than the bullets and dodged them. "What the---" Shadow knocks one out with their own gun and then uses his tail to grab the other guy by the neck choking him.

"I told you to never come for me, I warned you and the entire organization.......any last words before I kill you ba******?" Shadow asked. "No? Ok then." Shadow said then he snaps the guy's neck and shoots the unconcious one with their own gun.

"Ugh, they didn't listen.....great now I'm going to feel so guilty....but the only way to stop them is to kill them......*sigh* I hate my life sometimes." Shadow said to himself. (The asterisks signify sounds most of the time) Selene was horrified but needed answers, so she walked up to him.

"What was that? Why did you kill them? Why did they try to kill you?" Selene asked. "I can't tell you, you can't get involved, if I told you, if you get involved, they will find you, they will kill you. Before you can learn anything, I must destroy their criminal organization, I may not come back alive, but my sacrifice will NOT be in vain, I ensure you that." Shadow explained.

As he picked up one of the guns and pulled back the thing (sorry to you hunters, I don't know what that one part of the gun is that you're supposed to pull back is called) he said to her "don't worry, you'll understand one day." Then he turned to leave.

"SHADOW WAIT!!!!!" she screamed. He paused. "I am not sure if you remember, I didn't realize it for a long time, but I remember you now, you were that bullied eevee from back in 5th grade in elementary pokémon school weren't you?" She asked....she needed to at least be certain before he left.

"All I remember is being bullied constantly, even by the teachers...and I remember a vaporeon helping me once while I was being bullied, can't remember all that well, it's as if my memories been tampered with." He told her. "Yeah that vaporeon was me." She said.


Crap I went WAAAAYYYY over my limit, but I didn't want to stop, this is too dramatic, if you want the rest of his story with that criminal organization show your support and comment down below, and once mahority of my followers vote for it then it will be found in a book called: The Criminal Organization.

(You still never said wether or not you were voting @RazerBlazerXD )


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