Page 8 - Quality Time

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2002nd circulation, the 1st alignment, 1st of moon, 8p.m.

In Selena's room

"Oh wow your room is.....spacious, and....and...just wow" Shadow said completely awestruck. Selene just chuckled at that, "however, there isn't much in here for there to be so much space." He continued, "you aren't as observant as I thought." She said with a smirk, "wait what do you---" He got cut off as she pressed a button that opened up a large pool-like area.

"Wait what the-" he said confused, "these rooms are designed specifically for the type of the pokémon staying in them." She explained, "some of the water types in this building prefer to use these pools to sleep in, I use it to train my speed while swimming" She said.

Shadow remains there stunned in awe from just how good the room looks, "so why do you want to do that?" He asked her after snapping back to his senses, "well I plan on becomming the fastest swimmer in the world." She told him before asking "what's your dream?" "I don't really know, I don't think I really have a purpose, I guess I'm here just to be here, you know what I mean?" He said.

"I know what you mean, however, you have plenty of time to figure it out." She said, "you're certainly right about that!" He said with a smile. She pressed the button again to close up the pool, "so where would I sleep?" He asked her, "well, I wouldn't let you sleep on the bare floor, that'd be just wrong, so...." she layed out a thick blanket across an area of the floor, and placed a pillow on it.

"Thanks again for letting me spend the nights in your room while the renovations are being done on mine." He said, "it is not a problem at all." She said.

A couple nights later

Shadow went to the balcony where he'd be alone and started to hum a tune, and then it turned into singing words, Selene happened to be near the stairs to the balcony so she was hearing it. She was liking that tune and walked up to see who's singing it only to find Shadow there. However, she wasn't completely up there, she was peeking through the railing, she couldn't help but move closer. But when she did Shadow noticed her so he just stopped abruptly, "I didn't know anyone was listening."


And boom perfect cliffhanger, sorry I didn't get this done sooner, I've been pretty bored lately and I am also watching Supergirl on Netflix, and now I will take a week long break, see you guys at 6:30 next Saturday.


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