Page 10 - Understanding

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"Ever since then I've always known it's my fault, if I hadn't gone there he'd still be alive" Shadow said silently crying without even trying to hold back the tears. Selene leaned against him and wrapped her tail around his, "It's not your fault at all.

You were extremely young so there was no way you'd have known, even if you were told that that area was dangerous. Curiosity is one of the strongest feelings a young child can have. So don't blame yourself" she told him, trying to help.

"Thanks." He said looking up at the moon again, "well this spot is pretty romantic don't you think? you come up here often?" She asked, "yes and yes." He answered with a chuckle. They can't help it, the moment is too perfect so they kiss, embracing both each other and the moment.

"I love you" he whispered after they parted, their tails still intertwined with one another, "I love you too" she said before giving him another quick kiss. She smiled at him which forced him to smile.

"Oh hello" the both jumped because they had been startled by that sudden and unknown voice, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! CAN'T YOU SEE WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING?!" Shadow yelled at the stranger, "sorry to disturb your evening but this letter is for this Umbreon here." The Espeon said.

"Your appearance reminds me of a certain other Espeon." Shadow said in a protective kind of tone, "We don't associate ourselves with such......" the stranger paused, "such what?" Selene asked, "such scum, but you do not have to worry, that Zach has been kicked out of this place, there is no room in this building for scum bags like him." Said the stranger.

"That still doesn't mean we can trust you." Shadow said with a slight growl, "don't worry, I am just a mere messenger, here take the letter." The Espeon said nearly forgetting about it, Shadow quickly took the letter with much skepticism.

An hour later in Selene's room

He opened it and then read it.

"Come to the room at the end of the hallway past Selene's room, your presence is highly required
arrive soon or else.


"Is this some kind of joke?" Shadow asked out loud, "hmm let me see." Selena said. Shadow gave it to her, after she read it she told him "I think you should go there." "Ok then, if you're sure, I'll be back I guess." He said, "Okay then." She said.

He followed what the letter said, he knocked on the door at the end of that hall that was mentioned, and then the door creaked open. "Oh hello Shadow."


I think I've out done myself this page, he got a letter from her to go to her office, I want you guys to comment any guesses on her type, especially you @korbinservergundam and @RazerBlazerXD you each get 3 guesses, I won't say wether you are right or not till you both have used them.

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