Page 6 - A New Life

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Present day.

When they part (note that all other Eeveelutions were gone doing other things shortly after he evolved, which  is a good thing in this situation) Shadow was actually smiling for once as he said "I didn't know loved me---no one ever has even bothered caring---but why show it now?"

Selene responded, "well, for one, I overheard you making your little voice log so I learned that you also loved me, and I felt that this was the perfect moment to show you how I felt." "not the perfect moment exactly." Shadow responded completely ignoring the fact she eavesdropped on him.

Selene asked him "I know this question will kind of ruin the mood but I want to know, what happened to you?" Shadow answered her with a question "what do you mean? Why do you ask that?"

"Well when I first met you there was nothing but despair eminating from you and your aura" she responded. Shadow asked her "my-my aura?"

"Yes, your aura. It is something that is generated by a living thing, it's sort of like a field around each living thing and the stronger that living thing is, the stronger its aura is." She explained.

He then said "well anyways I'll tell you my past at a better time, like when we're alone and when I'm not busy." "okay" she responded, "where could we be where we're alone? You aren't usually busy at all so...." she continued.

"Well now that I'm evolved my room is going to end up going through renovations, so I kind of will be busy" Shadow told her. Selene responds "oh yeah, I kind of forgot about how that works." She chuckled.

"I'll see you a little later today, so are you going to be alright?" Shadow asked realizing she got pretty beat up from when Zach was attacking her, "yeah I'll be fine, just a quick trip to the pokémon center will perk me right up." She told him.

"Okay then, see you soon." He said with a smile, "you too then." she said. With a small kiss they went their separate ways. He went back to his room and grabbed his voice recorder.

"Voice log number 2: This time I don't know where to start, I guess I'll summarize the recent events that took part in my life.

I found that Zach attacking Selene not too long ago, and when I saw this happening, fear had taken over my body completely.

I was reliving all my trauma as I was frozen in place by all the weight that appeared on my shoulders, but somewhere in there I found courage that erased the fear, I wasn't about to let someone I care about go through what I did.

Somehow out of nowhere I evolved into a Shiny Umbreon and used a move that defeated Zach. After I checked up on Selene I was about to go elsewhere, but fate had other plans."


Hey guys I tried to summarize the last few pages (excluding the flashback page) the best I could, if you have any better ways to summarize it, then DM me, any time I have him do a voice log it will be a summary of the pages since the last time he made one. If you are confused about anything feel free to comment down below


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