lxxi. recovery from hell

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❝ 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍 ❞

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VERA COULD FEEL HERSELF GROWING STRONGER and stronger as more time passes — which is rather undocumented in the abyss of blackness as she has no idea what day or time it is since her departure from the life of the living

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VERA COULD FEEL HERSELF GROWING STRONGER and stronger as more time passes — which is rather undocumented in the abyss of blackness as she has no idea what day or time it is since her departure from the life of the living. She can feel the tingle of energy running through her veins, strengthening her bones and aching muscles, and pushing her nearer to the escape from the ocean of darkness. She could feel it in her heart; she is closer to the chance of being free from her drowning lungs and the submerged prison...closer to the opportunity of finally escaping from her hellhole to the arrival in the world of the living. She knew she needed to come back...knew the reason why she isn't dead. Aldwin may have been the person to explain it to her but she had always known, deep in her heart and deeper into her soul. She has a purpose in this world like no other and she has every intention of accomplishing her end goal.

But, first, she needed to do something before that.

And so, with the energy and the fortitude of her ancestors, and the maiar magic of her bloodline, Vera did everything she could to reach the surface after being submerged for several hours, being endlessly pushed around and tortured by the waves of pure blackness. After she had departed from the faux heaven and her late godfather's presence, Vera had been automatically pushed into the abyss of a tidal wave, plunging into her very home and her main source of power...the bad thing was that she couldn't control anything happening around her. She felt like a useless human, merely being pushed around and tormented by the very thing she has under her command. Despite this, she couldn't see anything; in fact, all she could see is the same darkness as before. And she hated it. She hated it with every fiber inside of her and every muscle in her body. She needed to get out.

So, with the mindset, she went to work.

It was hard at first...not knowing what she is doing or what is happening around her. She didn't know what day it is or how much time has passed since she had slipped into consciousness. She didn't know what her friends or her family did with her body because she knew that everything happening to her in the real world is affecting her every move in the hell she is stuck in. She didn't know if she was anywhere near the final stage of her personal jail but she did know that she has to fight to reach it because if she didn't, Middle Earth will fall into peril and be imprisoned as she is now by the hands of Sauron and his master, Morgoth. Vera couldn't let herself fail nor could she surrender to the pain now...not when everyone is depending on her, whether they know it or not. Frodo and Sam may be the ones who have to save Middle Earth in the end but they can only do so with Vera's energy plummeting through the ground and there is only one reason behind that.

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