14. Happy birthday Storm

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~ Ace/Shawn ~

I pulled into my parking spot then killed the engine. I looked up and noticed black and brown puppy sitting right outside the doors of my building.

"What the hell?" I whispered.

I got out of the car and slowly made my way over to the puppy. It lifted its head up and started wagging its tail frantically then ran up to me. I crouch down to pet his head and rubbed behind his ear.

"Who do you belong to." I said.

He didn't have a collar so I couldn't call anyone for him. I picked him up and unlocked the door then walked inside.

Krista my receptionist should be here soon, so I could ask her to run to the store for me and get some food for this little guy before we start for the day.

I sat down in the lobby and set the puppy down next to me then took a picture and sent it to Rome.

Me: look what I found sitting outside all alone when I pulled up to work.

Bro🤞🏼💪🏼: how cute. What type of dog is that?

Me: to be honest, I don't know. I'll look it up.

Bro 🤞🏼💪🏼: you gone keep him?

Me: if I don't find the owner then yeah I will.

I looked up from my phone when I heard the front door open and close.

"Good morning Krista?" I called out.

"Good morning Ace?" I heard her say then she walked around the corner. "Um i didn't know you owned a dog?"

"I don't, I found him outside." Letting him climb into my lap and lay down.

"Oh wow, ok then."

"Can you do me a favor and run to the store and get him some food and whatever else a puppy needs.  please!" I asked, taking my black card out of my wallet and holding it out to her.

"Uh yeah sure thing, I'll just grab the important stuff." She said then walked away.

I stood up with the puppy in my arms and made my way to the elevator, going up to my office.

Once I was in my office I shut the door and set the pup down so he could roam around. I went over to my chair and sat down.

First thing I needed to do was check my messages. A lot of people will send messages to the company providing feedback on the system or items they've bought from us. Even thought we get more positive message than negative, I like to check them all just to make sure my customers are taken care off.

I was scrolling through all the messages my "other" phone rang. I opened up the draw, took it out of the corner I usually leave it in and answered it.

"Ace." I answer.

"Ahh just the man I needed to speak to."

I immediately recognized the voice as Angelo Bianchi, the infamous Italian mafia boss.

"What's can I do for you Angelo?" I questioned.

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