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I awoke to a knock on my door. "Riku, you up?"

"I am now." I muttered. I looked towards the window and was immediately blinded by the sun. "Shit, the sun's bright..." I muttered and placed a pillow over my head. I heard Asuna walk into the room. Then the pillow was pulled off my head and I turned to see Asuna smiling down at me.

"Wanna see how your bow is going?" She asked.

"To be honest, I want to know what time it is" I answered.

"I don't know myself! I don't have any clocks in my home. I just run off of how sleepy I am and the sun."

"Oh, fair enough." I replied while sighing heavily as Asuna walked out of the room and I slid off my bed to get dressed.

I met Asuna downstairs and she opened a small cuboard full of cereals and berries.

"Breakfast?" She enquired as she smilled at me.

"I'd love it if I could, if it's no trouble." I muttered as I looked across to the cabnit full of food. I looked over to Lucario next to me who was pacing back and forth, glancing over to the cuboard every now and again.

After having breakfast, Asuna and I both went out to collect wood for my bow. We walked into the forest my cabin was in and found the best trees to cut sections from. After getting as much wood as we could carry we trudged back to Asuna's and placed all the wood on to a little rack Asuna used for materials. Then I said I would go hunting for a bit, maybe catch a Ratata for dinner while Asuna stayed and finished off my crossbow. Lucario and I left Asuna and walked back to the forest where we had been only an hour ago. The leaves that surrounded us were dry and the ground hard and dusty. There had been no rain since I slept out in this forest. I could only imagine the impact on the Pokémon who live here. I wouldn't catch much today. Most pokemon would be either hibernating underground or flying off to an area with more rain. Even trying to catch one Pokemon might not be possible unless one Pokemon takes a massive wrong turn and stands in the wrong part of the forest at the wrong time.

Lucario and I had been searching around the forest for atleast two hours before we got a catch. We were walking through a small clearing and Lucario stopped and pricked her ears up. Before I could stop her, she had ran off into a dense patch of trees. Being used to her doing this before, I simply ignored it and stood waiting for her. 2 minutes had passed and she still hadn't returned. I started to look for her in the patch of forest where she ran off. I found Lucario lying on the ground, a Ratata clasped between her jaws. Finally, a catch to eat tonight. It would be enough to share with Asuna if I got some berries from my cabin. By this time the sky was slowly turning into a pale red colour. I needed to get to my cabin quick if I wanted to get back to Asuna before dark.

I had quickly rushed back to my cabin and grabbed some berries. Enough to satisfy us I guessed. Quickly, I sprinted out of the forest and to Asuna's because the light was quickly fading.

Lucario and I ran up to Asuna's front door, both out of breath and clutching a jar of berries and a partly-skinned Ratata. She slowly opened the door and smiled at us.

"Brought dinner did you?"

New chapter! Hope you like it. I must now ask you a question. Would you like a little section of Asuna's point of view? A little chapter like that? Just wondering!

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