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"No, fucking stop you shits!" I screamed. Kicking my feet and thrashing my neck back and forth. I had been lifted off the ground and was being taken to a wall with handcuffs nailed into it. The two guards lifting me pushed me against the wall and put my hands into the handcuffs. My feet were now on the ground so I started kicking wildly at my captors.

"Shut up. Delusion is here to see you." one of the guards said simply. Who the fuck is this 'Delusion' kid? At that moment a part of the wall infront of me seemingly opened up and in stepped a man. Tall but definitely not a full adult. Maybe in his late twenties. He smoothed back his black hair and licked his lips. He moved up to me and stood staring at me, looking up and down me. His lips parted and he breathed in lightly.

"Good one this? Isn't she?" He turned and asked his guards. "So tell me, what do you make?" He then asked me.

"Crossbows." I answered simply.

"Good, you may be useful. Take her away!" the man commanded as I was then forcefully released from the handcuffs.

I had been dragged by both wrists out of the dingy room I was being kept in and into a sunlight-filled courtyard. I was held in the middle of the yard by one of the guards. He had one hand firmly grasping my shirt neck and the other on his rifle. Should I try to run? I'll probably be shot, but is that better than whatever these dweebs wanna do with me?

Suddenly the man who talked to me earlier emerged from a dark corner of the courtyard.

"Miss... Asina?" He addressed me.

"Asuna." I replied.

"Yes, well let me introduce myself. I am Delusion."

"I fucking got that thanks." I snarled at him and kicked out one my feet. I heard the safety catch on the gun of the guard holding me click. I fucked up.

"There's no reason to be so rude Asuna." Delusion stated as he sidled up to me. "Anyway, I am the head of this here team. Team Fusion. You see, we're in the buissness of terror. Striking fear into the hearts of others, much like we are doing right now to you." He explained.

"So you're fucking terrorists?!" I exclaimed.

"If you wish to use that word I won't argue. You'll be useful to us you see. Making weapons. We could train you to be a gun smith. Replicating guns like this." He pointed to the guard's G36C.

"I'm not helping terrorists!" I screamed.

"Fine, I'll put a bullet through your head."


"Lucario, do you feel like eating some normal food?" I asked her. She grunted slightly and nodded her head. "Guess we'll have to head into town then." I sighed.

Lucario and I had entered a small store in Pallet town. The old lady shop keeper gave me a small grin as I walked in. I came here often enough to be a 'regular'.

A man in a grey suit stood at the back of the shop, his finger pressed against his ear and talking to himself. Weirdo. The shop keep's Marril was scurrying around the shop floor inspecting the contents of the bottom shelves. Next to the man in grey sat a small Poochyena, gently licking its paw. I edged slowly towards the man. He was speaking quietly and obviously didn't want to be heard. I picked up a packet of Korean noodles near him and pretended to read the ingredients thoroughly.

"You've got her?" He said into his earpiece. "Brilliant, transfer her to 2 Bravo. Put her to some work. She had a boy with her?"

I immediately looked up and straight at the guy. Lucario's ears pricked up as he stood nervously next to me.

The man in grey spike again "What's her name? Asuna?"

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