A will beyond my force

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Okay, so many good authors are like, 270 is nothing, but this is my first story and 270 views is pretty good for my level. Anyone disagree? O_o

Anyways, hope you enjoy.



Chaos had finally disarmed me using a a technique no one knew, probably from the beginning of time. "Wow, looks like ole creator of the universe here has a few tricks up his sleeve!" I smirked.

"Oh, this is only the beginning," Chaos chuckled. "I'm going to teach you a move that you will only use during times of immediate danger, for it will most likely kill it's user." I nodded. Chaos started chanting words in Ancient Greek as his aura of power grew. Just as it was almost blinding to look, he stopped.

"What happened?" I asked, confused.

Chaos chuckled, "My boy, if I were to continue, you'd dissolve into ash by the explosion. You see, the stronger the user, the more powerful the blast shall be."

"Oh, so, you'd most likely destroy a few galaxies, huh?" I tried to hide the smirk.

"Most likely. The last words in the chant are, 'in the name of the Void'." Chaos stated.

"Aye sir!" I laughed along with Chaos...

(End of Flashback)


Percy POV

I had to do it. I needed to do it. I started the chant.

As the Savior of Camp Half-Blood, I, Perseus Jackson, Former Son of Poseidon, Son of Chaos, give my life to save this place. In the name of the Void.

The Gods were sweating as they continued to uphold the force field. I concentrated on my power, and let it go. The force could've made the bombing on Japan look like tiny grenades. The last thing I saw was Artemis coming to my side screaming my name. Was that affection in her eyes? Most likely not. Maybe the pain was causing it. I didn't want to find out. My body was crimson with blood.

Then, the world turned into a black that would make Hades jealous.


How is it?! Comment and Vote pleeeeeeeeeease

Follow me, I'll follow you, Golden rule, Blah blah.

Disclaimer:I do not own anything in this story except for Andrew, Blah blah

Signing off~

C&T Stoll1

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