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Um, hi.

this chapter dedicated to my fellow readers, thank, you!(say in an Australian accent) Also, Jessica_Acissej, percyjacksonloverJW, Joey Kress and Gpsnav.

BUT!!! This chapter couldn't have been made without angel231. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check him out.

Hope you enjoy

Percy POV

Three shall go west.

To stop End for the best.

One shall die, one shall prevail.

All 3 must follow a famous demigod's trail.

The three will make End wake,

Or make him sleep, everything is at stake.

Those lines replayed in my mind, torturing me. Telling me I, should have died. I shouldn't have let her die. I, should have been more responsible. More...aware. Andrew and I stood fast, a dreary silence passing between us two. Apparently, Andrew had other plans.

"Can we leave already?" He said in a 5 year old's voice. I grinned sadly at the stupidity of the sea spawn. But he was right, We should have been gone be now. The air started growing more thick, threatening to suffocate us before we could even move.

I touched the boys forehead, chanted a few words then saw a blinding light float in the pupils of my eye. I waited. When the mote finally dispersed, I looked up to find Camp Half blood sitting peacefully with campers training and eating. I thought, how lucky were they. Even the mortals! Life couldn't get easier then what it is for them.

Andrew ran past me, into the arms of Annabeth and they kissed. Everyone was cheering him, And when I mean everyone, I mean everyone, the gods were there, even Kym! (AN blood of OLYMPUS spoilers XD) I thought. About Phoebe, how had I not sensed the giant? If you could even call her that.

I sat on a log, hanging my head, punching myself physically, not mentally, about letting her die. Shit! I so caught up with myself that I didn't notice the moon goddess sneak on me.

"Hey," she spoke, which startled me, knowing she wasn't there a second ago. I gathered my wits a replied.

"Hey...Phoebe didn't make it. Im sorry, I shouldn't let have let her die, I should've died...again." I told while punching my face, causing myself to manage a black eye. Artemis tensed, knowing one of her most elder members had died in the trip to hell.

She touched my hand. This time I tensed, I gulped down a choke that could be heard. My heart started pumping, extreme could only describe it as good as fast can. Artemis then looked at me, her beautiful auburn hair blowing in the wind.

"It is ok, Percy. You tried, she will forever be in the fields of Elysium." I sat there, stunned. My eyes glass, processing what she had just said. She didn't even go on this full rampage or lecture about letting a hunter die to a boy protecting her.

I lifted my head, who was still ready to rise and replied to her comment, "Artemis, Im scared. I truly am. End, we'll End is a major threat. Good news, he's asleep. Bad news, for now." (If you have my mind you would understand me.) I finished my sentence, noticing my voice was deep. And when I say deep, I mean deep.

Artemis then noticed my voice. "Tartarus changes everyone, Percy," She stopped, "Maybe some change because of their recent visits." That startled me, I looked at her, wondering if she knew about my trip to the void. The void walker did change me, maybe it was the BALD eagle, I don't know!

If that mattered, I would wonder later. Artemis then spoke again, "If you need me, I will be with my...hunters." With that she walked off, leaving me there to think...

What else has changed?


Happy Valentine's Day everybody! I feel very awkward saying this, but I had to it. Who's with me?! No one? Ok.

Peace peeps

C&T Stoll1

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