Chapter Twelve

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Iliana's POV

What its that sound? I thought from my no longer so deep slumber.

Something kept buzzing somewhere depriving me from my very much needed sleep. Not tolerating the sound anymore I opened my eyes to see my phone buzzing on the night stand besides me. I groaned thinking who the hell is that its disturbing her so early.

I lazily extended my arm and grabbed the phone - which had already stopped ringing whe I took a hold of it. My eyes widened at the time in the phone. It was four in the afternoon?! I have been sleeping for eleven hours.

The wedding ended at like 4 am but it took like an hour for everyone to finally leave. At the end Kai's father gave us the key to one of his beach houses that was near the party saloon. The only thing I know its that when we arrived here I got in the nearest room and passed out. Luckily I managed to take off the dress before going to sleep, now that would be an uncomfortable way to sleep.

I looked at my phone and saw that I had around twenty missed calls from Josh and fifty unanswered messages - fourty were from him and others were from April.

Damn he must be pissed.

I sat on the bed and dialled him - he answered at the second ring. "Hello?" I heard his deep voice from the other side of the phone.

"Joshy hey."

"Iliana, finally. Why didn't you answer my calls or texts?" I could hear some ruffling on his side.

I stood up from the bed and went out to the balcony that was connected to my room. "Sorry I was asleep, I didn't get any sleep until early this morning."

Today was a sunny day, there was not a cloud in sight and the water looked great from where I was. The beach had some people but not that many since this part was full of mansions like this and most of these parts were private.

"Oh... how did the wedding went?"

I sighed, "It was fine I guess. I just wish it was you instead."

"Me too babe, but don't worry, as soon this whole nightmare its over I'll make you my wife." He assured me.

I told Josh about the three years deal the same day. I explained him that we will need to be extra careful going out, especially since I have the suspect Henrik already knows I'm still in a relationship with Josh. He's not gullible like my mother, he is way too smart to fool - its very scary if I'm being honest.

"Soon," I repeated.

"What plans do you have for today?" He asked.

"Our parents booked us a flight for the "honey moon" and all that crap- but I'm not sure where to. I honestly don't even want to go but I have no choice as usual."

"This is just perfect," he said sarcastically. "I need to go, I have some errands to run but text me when you know where you're going."

"Will do, I love you," I replied.

"Love you too, bye." He said and hung up.

I stayed admiring the view for a bit more until I had to come inside again. I went to the bathroom to do my routine and take a shower. There were some new set of clothes and underwear in the closet that I changed into.

I would need to pass by the penthouse for a few things before we left for our flight - which by the way we needed to be in the airport in about five hours so I needed to go find Kai. I think they own private planes so I don't understand why they got us plane tickets even though they're first class. My family owns some planes too but doesn't let me use them.

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