Chapter Thirty Two

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Kai's POV

"How are things at home Malakai?" My father asked as he polished the big telescope he had at his home office.

"It's going fine old man, mind telling me why you asked me to come to your house?" It's been a while since my father asked me to come by to his house - it must be something important if he did.

"You're my only daughter Malakai and you rarely come by to visit your father."

I stand up and start to look around, "Don't victimize yourself grandpa you are never home."

"That may be true but the point still stands, you never visit unless I call you," my father points out.

"You never cared if I did or not, so why start now?" I'm not trying to sound bitter but if it came out that way I don't care.

My dad has never been one to show love to anyone, not to his wife or his child, but I always thought that he loved us in his own way - some people don't know how to express and my father is a cold stoic man. But with the pass of time him loving me seemed just like more of a hopeful thought of a child rather than a reality, maybe I'm wrong a part of me hopes that I am, but if he really doesn't I won't beg for his love. I never had and I won't start now.

"I do care Malakai. But no matter that wasn't the reason I called you here."

I grabbed an old sand clock that I'd never seen before and started to shake it makin the sand inside jump. "And why did you then?"

"I believe that you no longer want to divorce Iliana? The agreement was after three years you could and that will come in a few months."

I looked at him, "No, I don't think we want to do that anymore."

Iliana and I haven't really discussed the divorce - I thought since we are... I can't call it dating cause we are married, nor fucking cause we aren't fucking at all yet. So I guess together is the right way to describe it?

"Very well." He stood up and walked to look out the window.

I put the sand clock down and moved to see an old phonograph with a vinyl already on. I've never seen one before this is awesome. I moved the needle down like they do in the movies and suddenly burning love by Elvis Presley started playing.

"Cool." It's like that lilo and stitch scene.

"I asked you to come Malakai because I think that you've matured a lot- Kai do not touch that!" My father complained.

I rolled my eyes and turned it off not wanting to hear him complain.

He pressed the bridge of his nose in frustration. "You know what, forget what I said about maturing." He mumbled under his breath, "I want you to take over the company."

I went back to my previous seat and accommodated myself by putting my feets over his desk - earning a disapproving look by my dad. "I know, I mean, wasn't that the plan all along? That when you were old and tired I would take over."

"Yes, that was the plan but now that you're married to Iliana and we merged our primary company with her family's it's really you two taking over just like I'm co-working with Sarah now except that you two will do it as a couple."

"Oh, I see... what made you change your mind? I thought you would run the company until you were on your death bed or something like that." I commented recalling the time when he said those words about making sure my 'immature self' wouldn't get close to running the company any time soon.

I can't blame him for that though - I am not the most responsible person around.

"I'm not getting younger Malakai - that and your decision of staying married influenced mine. Plus you are my daughter after all." He explained.

"Sarah agreed to retirement as well?"

"She did, rather easily may I add."

I nodded in understanding, "And when do you two plan on stepping down?"

"In six months time is the plan - that's if everything goes smoothly but it wouldn't take a year."

"I'll let Iliana know of the news then."

My father took back his seat as I did - except his feets weren't up on the desk like mine were. "That won't be necessary, I believe Sarah called her up today as well to let her in the news."

"Oh cool. So that was all?"

"Pretty much. I'll send you some paperwork that need your's and Iliana's signing but that's it for now."

I nod again and stand up from the chair - readying up to leave. "I'll see you around then old man."

"Goodbye Malakai."

I walk to the door and open it to go - as I'm about to leave I'm stopped by my father calling out my name again. I turn around and look at him questioningly.

"I-" he pauses - seemingly struggling with his words and fixes his tie making it lose and less tight around his neck. "I'm proud of you Kai."

Hearing the four words he has never said to me before catch me off guard.

All I can think is, what made him say it?

But I know too well that if he said them it's because he truly means them. After all he's a man that even though he does no say much - when he does you know he means it.

Showing affection between our family is not something either of us is good at but I believe we show it in our own way.

I give him a small smile, "Bye dad." As I said that I see the ghost of a smile in his usual hard face and gives me a nod as reply.

With that I leave his house feeling lighter - as if some I've been relieved of something. Is weird but I feel good and happy.

Looking back at everything currently going on... for the first time my life seems to taking shape and meaning.


A/N - hope you all liked it! also check out my new story if you can ;)

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