Chapter Twenty Two

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Kai's POV

Turns out my father wanted me and Iliana to attend a ball hosted by one of our partner companies.

This has happened a few times already. My dad asks us to go attend a meeting, party, wedding, ball or whatever as a couple. We smile and act nice and in love and then go home by the end of the night. Easy and simple. Those are also the only times I get to see Iliana talk and smile - even though its just fake smiles.

Nothing about it is real but I still enjoy that little time I get to be with her.

Now I'm waiting for Iliana to be ready so we can get going.

I'm wearing a simple black suit with just a blazer and no shirt underneath and black heels to match. I wasn't on the mood to wear a drees tonight.

"Let's go," I heard Iliana say as she entered the livingroom. I noted what she was wearing. She was matching me with a long black, long sleeved and off the shoulder dress with heels to match.

I didn't want her to think I was staring so I diverted my gaze and stood up to go.


The drive to the ball was quiet and awkward. The only time we spoke was when I complimented her and she just answered with a "thanks" but thats as far as our conversation went.

We arrived to the fancy party arm on arm. Usually not long after we get to these parties Iliana quickly goes her own way - in a way to what I believe is avoiding being around me. But tonight she for weird reason she stayed close to me.

We were talking to a couple of investors when I excused myself to go get a drink.

"Kai wait." I heard Iliana call out.

Now this is weird.


She was nervously fiddling with her hands. "Can I come with?"

"Uh, yeah sure..." I said trying not to let my shook show.

Iliana followed me by my side. I soon found a waiter who was giving champagne and grabbed to glasses, I handed one to her and took the other for myself.

"You look nice..." she said softly, it was so low that I almost missed it.

I was definitely caught off guard by the compliment but still regained myself. "I- thank you blondie." I haven't called her that in a while, the nickname now feels weird on my tongue.

She looked at me for a moment too long looking like she wanted to say something but didn't.

"Lets dance, is that okay?" I asked her.

Iliana nodded in response and took a hold of my awaiting hand. I walked us to the dance floor that had many couples dancing to the slow song playing.

"Can I?" I asked before putting my hands on her waist - she again just nodded. I put my hands on her waist and she then wrapped her arms on my shoulders.

We dance without any of us saying anything for a while until I decided I was tired of the silence between us. "I know I already told you but you look gorgeous blondie. You always do."

I could see a faint blush on her cheeks before she hid her face on my shoulder. "Shut up," she mumbled making me chuckle at her shyness.

I leaned back a bit so I could see her face. "You're cute," I poked her cheek.

Iliana playfully rolled her eyes and I couldn't help myself but to smile. This is the most emotion I've gotten out of her in what it feels like an eternity. Deciding to be a bit bold without going overboard I pulled her closer and hesitantly rested my forehead against her's.

"I- I miss you Iliana. I miss our very complicated friendship." I whispered.

She finally looked at me directly to my eyes with her light sky ones. How I've missed them. "Me too Kai," she said in the same tone.

"Then why... why do you act like I don't exist." I coulf feel her shaky breaths fathom over my lips.

"Kai I-"

I leaned a bit closer to her, our lips merely inches away. If I leaned in a little bit more our lips would touch. As I was about to go for it and do it - I was awoken by Iliana.

"I can't do this..." she said and then broke away, leaving me alone on the dance floor while watching her rush away.

I shook myself out my daze and started to follow the way she went. I can't let her go on her own. I should, but I can't make myself do it.  She is not fine, I can't let her alone.

There was a lot of people but I can still see her, she's far, already going up the stairs of the ballroom.

I've been following her for a while and at last it led me to a big terrace on the third floor.

"Iliana." I called out.

She was there, standing in front of the rail of the terrace - her face hid on her hands. But it didn't matter, cause I could still hear the soft, muffled sobs she was letting out.

I walked towards her but kept a fair distance.

"Iliana you can talk to me... whatever it is, I can help you." I said almost pleading.

She finallt turned to look at me with those aqua eyes, red and full of tears. "You don't understand," she shocked out, her voice now raspy.

I walked closer and slowly and carefully put my hands on her delicate face and wiped her tears away, even if it was useless as more kept coming. "Then help me understand."

"I can't," she shook her face that was still on my hands, "I can't," she repeated.

My heart swelled at the broken tone of her voice. Whatever it is that she's going through... it sounds worse than I imagined by her reaction.

I wanted to push for answers, anything. I want to help her so bad, but how can I when I don't even know what's going on.

So I did the only thing I could do in the moment. I hugged her. I let her cry on my chest while I held her for dear life.

"I won't push you for answers love, I just want you to know that when you're ready I'll be right here to listen. I promise you that, whatever it is... we can get through it, I'll be there with you." I said and kissed her head a couple of time as I softly rocked us back and forth.

Iliana didn't reply, just held me back tighter and kept crying.

We stood there in the middle of the deserted terrace - the only thing that you could hear was the far noice of the music downstairs and the soft sobs of the girl in my arms.


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