You & I

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"UGH." I groaned out of frustration as my cousins phone rang for the millionth time.

reaching out on the couch to get the phone, her caller ID name was a broken hearted emoji. I rolled my eyes immediately knowing who it was. I pressed speaker as I walked to the bathroom door, so Grace could hear him.

Before I could greet him, he jumped to the opportunity of saying what he wanted to say.

It's been two weeks since Grace or I have answered his calls and texts.

"I am so sorry baby. I promise you I will make it up to you." He thought for a second before continuing on, "You didn't even give me a chance to explain myself! These last couple weeks haven't been the same without you, You're m-"

This nigga really thought Grace would answer her phone to him, I looked at her phone in disbelief.

"Save that shit Larry. You've been sorry how many times?! I don't pick sides when it comes to you two, but how many times have you made my cousin cry?! I'm so sick and tired of you disrespecting her. She loves you, but you keep on hurting her. Now if you don't mind, stop calling her phone. Let her call you." I semi-yelled into her phone, anger starting to boil up inside of me. I hate cheaters. "She doesn't want to talk to you right now, understand that. She will come around, you and I both know that." I tell him in a nicer tone.

"You're right Kourt. When your cousin is out the bathroom please tell her that I love her. Matter fact, I know that she can hear me right now. Baby I'm so sorry. We can talk about it whenever, I'll be here waiting for you." He says. Damn he knows her so well, I thought to myself. That's only because shit like this happens all the time.

Usually I let them do them, but lately I've been stuck in the middle and that's only because Grace is emotionally damaged.

I needed to be there for her, I know what it feels like to be heart broken. "Alright, thank you for at least picking up her phone. Bye." He says, then hangs up.

"You're still a fuckboy." I blurted out. Although he isn't on the line anymore. I needed to let that out.

I open the bathroom door, accidentally hitting her head. "Ouch" she held her head.

I laugh a little and look down at her, I couldn't help but to feel bad. She looks drained. Her gentleness, strength, and natural smile is all gone. She is at her breaking point and I hate to see her like this, considering the fact that she's my best friend; if she hurting, I'm hurting too.

"Grace you'll need to talk to the man sometime in your life, you can't keep running away from the situation. Trust me I know first hand that it doesn't solve anything. Tell him what you want because he is the one in the wrong." I said before going down onto my knees to sit criss cross, across from her. I held my thick red and white robe together.

I handed her phone back to her and gave her a hug. She needs it. She starts sobbing on my shoulder.

"It's so hard." She cried, her voice almost gone.

Without a word I held her tight. She has been so strong hiding the fact that things aren't the same between them anymore.

Four years go, When I first moved in with Grace, I admired her relationship with Larry. You can tell from the way they spoke or looked at each other that they were in love. Everything was going great until a few months ago, when Grace started working alongside with Larry, he all of a sudden became distant. They teach English in Columbus High, Larry actually got Grace the job opportunity, and everyone loves her. But her co-worker Tiffany, who's also Larry's best friend.

Based on what Grace tells me about Larry and Tiffany, Their friendship to me doesn't add up. It seems like they know every single thing about each other and she's always too friendly. If my nonexistent boyfriend had a female best friend, I would be very uneasy about it too.

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