She's beautiful...

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As I began to introduce myself, the door slowly opens. The person that appeared through the door was the face I thought I would never see. Shit.

I clear my throat, unable to react for a brief second, everything seemed so surreal. My insides turn into knots, and heart sank onto my stomach. Regretting the decision I made for choosing this job. All the pain and anger I thought was gone reappears. She walks towards me trying her best to mask her emotions, but I can tell she's been crying. I'm glad I affected her that much, I'm glad to see her own guilt eat her alive. She hands me a paper with a stamp on it and takes the only available seat in the front.

"Welcome," I said looking down at her paper, making sure she's who I thought she was because the Kourtney I used to know was chubby, wore glasses and had braces . "Ms. Knox, to Biology 101. You came right in time! We are introducing ourselves and you're the last to go!" I greeted her, with a little bit of amusement.

She looks up at me with her red swollen eyes, her eyes telling me, 'no'. Damn! After four years, Those eyes still affect me. She clears her throat, and looks around the class.

"My name is Kourtney. I'm 22 years old and today has been a nightmare." All the students laugh thinking she was joking, but we both know she's serious. Hell, I'm still trying to adjust to all of this.

"That's interesting Ms.Knox, care to share?" I lift an eyebrow.

She shakes her head no, looking down, foundling with her fingers.

"You never went Mr. Mason!" Vanessa yelled from the back, reminding us all. Of course.

"Right." I said taking a pause. "My name is Chris, but I prefer you all call me Mr.Mason," the student laugh at my joke except Ms.Knox. "I moved here from Illinois a few weeks ago, I have two younger brothers-,"

"Do they look anything like you?" Jo'lisa asks interpreting me. The whole class laughs, But she doesn't.

Laughing at her question I answer "Unfortunately, they do not." I lie. Carter, Cameron, and I look exactly alike.

I continue, "The love of my life is the reason why I moved here. Today is my first day and it has been quite different." I said, leaning towards my desk waiting for questions.

"What's your race?" Raine asked curiously.

"I'm white and black." I simply said.

"Kinda like Zebras, I like Zebras." Carman flirtatiously said.

I chuckled a little bit, only because of how awkward her comment was. Having a class with more females than males is interesting.

"What's something interesting about you?" Sophie, Raines twin sister asked, as her blue eyes trail down my body.

I smirked and looked at the ground.

I'm not used to being the center of attention but I guess as a young teacher, they just want to know me. Before I could answer, I thought about it for a second, "Uh, I skipped two grade levels in elementary school if you're wondering why I'm so young compared to the other professors."

The class continued to ask me questions about myself and I answered them to my best ablity, trying to keep my private life private.

My heart drops to my stomach. As much as I didn't want to admit that things between us were over, it was hard. I can't be mad at him for moving on with his life, I left him. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize that class was almost over.

"Kourtney," A familiar voice calls my name snapping me out of my thoughts.
I looked up and Chris was looking at me, confused. "See me after class." He says.

Being alone with him was the last thing I wanted to happen. But I can't let him see me weak, I can't let him think he has power over my emotions, even though he does.

"Okay." I say, almost at a whisper. I didn't know what to say.

A few minutes later, the bell rings. We wait for all the students to exit the class room.
"Follow me." he says. I obey his command and walk behind him. I couldn't help to look at his muscular butt. Very presentable, I thought.

We head next door to what is his office. He opens the door for me and closes it behind me, then walks behind his desk and sits on his roller chair. I looked around his office and it's big, compared to a lot of professors.

I took a sit and the first thing I see is a picture of a naturally beautiful exotic woman. I'm guessing that's his girlfriend, considering the fact that he doesn't have a sister. She seems like a nice person, but something about her wasn't adding up. I can't really put my finger on it. besides, she looks older.

"Is that your girlfriend?" I asked pointing at a picture of the light skinned woman.

He was first confused. Then looked at the picture I was pointing to.

"Oh, yeah." He responds nonchalantly. "She's actually my fiancé" He added with a smile on his face.

"She's beautiful." I said trying to be positive. Even though those words stung, I tried to accept it.

"Thank you, I'll make sure I tell her tonight." He said as he got my rubric together.

I didn't know what to say, I wasn't expecting what came out of his mouth. I look around trying to keep a poker face. I sat quietly trying analyze everything.

"Chris do you love her like you loved me?" Shit. I should of never asked that question. Once those words came out of my mouth I regretted it, but it's too late. All I needed was his response, to get some closure.

He looked at me bewildered, as if he didn't understand my question.

"Excuse me?" He asked tilting his head.

"Curiosity got the best of me." I said.

"I don't think that's appropriate to ask." He responds looking into my eyes, Intimidating me.

Embarrassed, I look down. "I'm sorry for asking."

His aqua eyes looked at me for a second, "To answer your question, I have moved on. I don't think about you, nor us anymore. I don't think you should either." He said in a flat tone.

I wanted to believe what he was telling me, but I can't. Something in his voice sounded fake. But I can't argue with a man who's about to get married.
"Right." I say as I grabbed the stack of paper from his hand. I quickly got up and exist his office.

Being in the same room with Chris gave me anxiety, due to the fact that we left off on bad terms. I don't know if I can handle him being my teacher, there's thick tension and it may never go away.

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