Nothing is wrong

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I got out the door and walked straight down the hallway into my room.

The afternoon sun light in my room made everything look so beautiful. All the flower painting on the wall looks so vibrant and alive. Even though the Sun puts everything in it's place, my room needs some cleaning up to do. It's a small room but there's clothes and shoes, makeup everywhere, even on top of my desk top. I barely have friends come inside my room because it's always a mess, Grace is allowed to come in once a blue moon.

I held my hips not knowing where to begin. I go over to my queen size bed with light blue floral bed spread, to change into the clothes I already picked out the night before. I take my robe off, put some lotion on and grabbed a pair of my favorite 'good luck' black jeans, a white loose button up blouse, I put on my new black flats, and I grab a pair of pearl stud earrings. walking over to my full length mirror to check my outfit choice out, I examined my now petite body. I turned to look at my butt and thank the Lord for 30 Day Squat Challenge I did over the summer. I nodded with approval. "Not bad" I said to myself.

I took my now faded purple hair out in the messy bun, and redid it into a neat high bun. I walked over to my night stand and put on my watch and grab my brown and gold Micheal Kors handbag on the floor that I had gotten for a birthday gift from Grace.

" I really need to clean up" I said to myself as I looked around my room, disappointed at my organization skills. I closed the door behind me and walked down the living room, to the front door. took out my car keys out and sunglasses from my purse, not noticing that Grace had already came out the bathroom.

"Good luck on your first day back, I love you!" She said, startling me.
I stopped to look in the kitchen where her voice was coming from and there she was looking at me. "Wow, you actually put an effort on your outfit, it looks nice. I think I might borrow it soon." She says meticulously looking at me with a smile.

I smile back at her. "Thank you!" I wave her goodbye and head out the door.

Walking down into the parking lot the sun burning down on my chocolate skin, it feels too good, for it being Fall. I go in my 2002 grey Nissan Altima, start the engine and drove off to school. It takes me about fifteen minutes to get to school, I drive in silence when I'm nervous, and today was one of those days.

It took me twenty minutes to find a decent parking spot. As I parked my car, I remembered I have an appointment to meet with my counselor.

To try to fit Biology into my schedule, since all the morning Biology classes were full. Usually I sign up for my classes way before school starts, and I know who my teachers are, but over the summer the computers had complications and Mr.Keeplici, my counselor, told me to come in today so he can put me in the system for Biology. I walk into Seely Hall, where all the councilors offices were located. I knock on Mr.Keeplici door.

"Come in." He says with his manly yet comforting voice. He turns around and smiles showing off his white perfect teeth. "Oh, if it isn't Ms.Knox, come come, have a sit." His thick Italian accent coming out, He points at the brown chair by the wall. Mr.Keeplici calls every student by their last names. I sat, and greeted him.

I hate having breaks-in-between classes because that leaves me bored and by the time the other class starts I'm sleepy and tired.

Being twenty-eight and a professor isn't bad at all, it has it's perks. Tiff always jokes about how old I'm getting and how I should start settling down with her. Even though she's eight years older then me, she's Fine... With a capital F. Black don't crack. Plus she knows a lot, in bed and everything else. She does tricks that blows my mind, so the age difference doesn't bother me at all!

I made the decision to date older women only because I dated a girl who was six years younger then me, at the time I didn't know. She was only sixteen and I was twenty-two about to be twenty-three. After I found out, I felt like a pedophile. I just figured the older the better, and I was right! Before I met Tiffany I fooled around with all types of females around my age, but they didn't have something that I was looking for and it was that age gap difference. Call me crazy but I like them grown...Now.

My afternoon class start, and I have one student missing. I remembered the E-mail I got from Dan, about the student that was added to my list. I decided to do things backwards for this class. I started with the syllabus, then they did the quick paper that I assigned and we ended with everyone introducing themselves first then I'll end with me introducing myself. The afternoon class was a lot more talkative than the morning.

"Miss.Knox, I have all your classes down. Sorry about the complications earlier with your Biology class, we got everything figured out.

Right now your name isn't on his rooster but with this yellow stamp I will give you," I nod with a smile. He continues, "Your Biology teacher name is Christopher Lee Mason, an-" He pauses then looks at me "Ms.Knox, is it something that I said? Are you okay?" He looks at me concerned. My heart felt like it stop beating, I felt like I was about to get sick any moment now. My eyes widen.

Everything else he said I didn't hear him, I was lost in my own thoughts. This can't be it. No it can't be, I tell myself shaking my head, I left him back home in Illinois and there's no way in hell he is here, plus be my teacher. I tell myself, think positive. I close my eyes trying to put myself back together.

"Oh. No. Nothing is wrong, I just felt a little sick, I'm good now." I open my eyes. "I don't know what happened." I lied and try to fake a smile.

"Oh good. Here's some water." He hands me a bottle of cold water from his build in small fridge on the wall. "You got me worried, Are you sure you are fine?" He asks again

"Of course," I open the water bottle and take a sip. "The class already started. I gotta go. I might come in later on to drop the class though." Not giving him a chance to respond I close the door behind me, and speed walk to the nearest bathroom. I hold my head in shock, hot tears coming out my eyes.

This can't be happening to me, I thought I would get away from him forever. I regain my strength. Wiping my tears fast and got out. I can't miss this class, since I'm paying to get an education I have to woman up and be strong. I look at myself in the mirror and quite frankly I don't care how I look, I just want to get this day over and done with. I walk out the bathroom and speed walk to the class I already loathe, Bio 101.

Authors note:
I hope y'all enjoying this. Tell me what you think... (:
PS, Some chapters will have pictures of how characters look like, their outfits or anything relevant!

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