I Knew Her

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A picture of the Mason boys! So you'll get an idea of how handsome they are. (;

After Kourtney left my office, I felt bad for being so blunt. Part of me doesn't care, She deserved it. After four years of her disappearance she now wants ask me personal questions, instead of getting on her knees to apologize. Women.

My phone rings interrupting my thoughts. It's my younger brother Cameron.

"Hello." I answer my phone annoyed.

"Wussssss up bruh?" Cameron asked happier than usual.

"Hmm. Let me guess, you got some pussy." I said laughing. This nigga is like an open book, I know every single thing about him.

He laughs, "Not only one pussy, but two!" He proudly admits. "The best sex I've evaaaa had. I gave em that Mason dick, and now they addicted to it!"

I laugh at his last sentence, He sounds crazy but he's right. Almost all the girls I've slept with got too addicted and became crazy.

Before I could respond to him, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say

And in walks in Dan. I already know what this is about.

"Alright bro, I'll call you back when I get home," In a more formal tone I say, ending the conversation . "I love you, tell Carter I love him too."

"iight bro, I love you too." I hang up giving my attention to Dan.

"I'm sorry for bothering you Chris, But I just came to ask how your first day of work went." He smiled. Although he sound genuine, I know there's more.

"It was interesting, I like it though. The students are all unique in their own way." I responded with a smile.

"Oh good, good. That's nice to hear!" He cheerfully said. "I do want to ask about Kourtney though, When she left my office I was concern. Do know her?"

"I knew her." I responded. "Past tense." My tone a little more serious.

Talking about Kourtney brings me to a dark place. I resented the fact that she left me, when I was dealing with one of the hardest thing I had to endure. She went on to live her life like she never gave a shit about me. As much at I didn't want to admit it, she doesn't. It took me four years to get out of that place and move on with my life. She marked my life, In a good way and in a bad way.

"I figured," he paused. "Do you think it is fine to keep her in your class? She wants to drop it but I advised her not to because she needs to take this class in order to graduate."

"It's completely fine with me. She's just like all sixty of my other students." I lie. Kourtney is nothing like any of my other students, we have history together.

The drive home was a blur, all I wanted was to curl up in a ball and cry. I texted my best friends; Amber, Kelsi,Yori and Jaime, to meet me at my apartment. I needed to let everything out before I explode.

I walk into the apartment and all the girls are waiting, including Grace.

I began to walk back and forth trying to get myself together. My legs felt weak, I drop on the floor and start crying, almost at a panic attack.

"Honey, we are here for you. Just start talking." Jaime comes to me and rubs my back, calming me down.

"It's a long story." I let out crying, covering my face.

"We got time." I heard Amber say.

"Kourtney, we all love you and we're here to listen." Grace said.

She's right. If they can all be here for me before I even arrived speaks for itself.

"I saw Chris today. The last time I've seen him was four years ago, and we left off on bad terms. I ran away from him and left him, all alone." I pause, trying to put everything together.

"Who's Chris?" Yori asked confused.

"Her ex-boyfriend." Grace replied, not giving me the chance to respond.

Grace is the only one that knows about Chris, but she doesn't know the whole story either.

"Go on." Amber said, sounding concerned.

"Everything was perfect between us, until January 1st, 2010. " I pause, "The day his mother died from a car accident."

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