Barrier Destroyed/Surface Problems - My Version

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'Seven years. Seven hard years, yet no sign of those children.'  The detective sighed as he brought both hands and rubbed his exhausted and tired face. Papers were scattered everywhere in the room, on the office desk, some on the floor. A few have even miraculously stuck to the wall, how strange. 

It's been a hard day for the detective as he tried to pull off an all-nighter yet again. The case of the six missing children has been going out for years. Police already lost hope while the families now thought of their children as dead, or well, whatever was left of those families. But not this Detective. Oh no, he was very, VERY determined to solve the case. He had first heard word of it when two had gone missing. It was strange how children so young had vanished into thin air. A first he thought of it as some sort of kidnapping and looked into it a few times. That is... until the next two children have disappeared. This had him pondering whether it was still a kidnapping or not. He looked into the case more frequently until news spread that another child has disappeared. 

He took this as an alert and started his investigation on the disappearance, asking every person and family member what they could know about the children. He was one to do stuff like this alone, but could never say no to the help of his son... Oh, how his child held the eyes of pure JUSTICE. Just like his father, his son wanted to solve this mystery at once, serving justice to all the families, to uncover the truth. It's a shame really, so much work being put into this investigation... When the sixth child was announced to have vanished. 

It brought the detective great shame and sorrow of yet losing another child... Losing his title of being a proper father, losing his son. The detective moved the curtains from the window as he saw the sunrise. He lets out a sigh, the sunlight hitting his face. "Josiah, my son... I will find you and the rest... I pro-" 

A low rumbling sound could be heard through the town... 


(This is based on the game UNDERTALE and I decided to do my own version of the ending once the barrier was destroyed. Josiah belongs to me, so does his Father. Undertale belongs to TobyFox.)

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