My Choice, Your Choice

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(Has I think like, one curse word. Talks a bit about drugs and a bit of death. This happened in real life and it got me thinking, so here it is. Enjoy!)

It's my decision, no one should force me to change.

It was just only a normal walk from the bus to home. It was Fall season again, the windy cold breeze, the colorful shades of warm reds, yellows, and orange leaves should make up for it. I grabbed my purple scarf as I lifted it up to my face, knowing my nose is probably red like Rudolph's nose. I wasn't sick or anything, the cold just gets me every time, my body shivering as the thin navy blue sweater was the only thing trying to keep my body warm. Well, along with my school shirt of course. I was an idiot for only wearing such a thin sweater, but hey, even I don't listen to my own mind.

I kept walking to my destination as I turned, about a few more 300 steps until I got home. The feeling of the heater warming up the house already, the scented candles I'll soon light up to relieve whatever stress I have. Home is where the heart is, they say. Even though I live in a roughed up city, this place is my home, whether I like it or not. You can probably even say it goes by the phrase "It's kill or be killed", but that's just saying too much right there. More like saying, fight for survival. If you mess with anyone that involves gangs, you die. Walk alone in the middle of the night while people are still at the corner smoking, you die. Involve yourself in a serious mess that ends up with guns, you die. You have to watch what you're doing and where you're going before you play your life into the hands of others.

That's why it's a good thing I know where to route my path home. Even with the sun out, I grab my keys in my hoodie pockets as a knife, looking around at my surroundings to see if anyone was going to attempt to either rape, rob, or murder me. Heck, it's probably a high chance it could be all three. Those bastards do take prey on weakling girls, good thing my dad taught me what to do whenever something like that ever happens. Still, I'm viewed by everyone as the innocent little girl who knows nothing. Hilarious, but they're not wrong. I know stuff, but I do put up the act. Anyways, I can see the familiar colored roof as I make my way. Almost there... Almost- Huh?

I stop in my tracks, right behind a car. If you were to stand on the other side of the street, you wouldn't be able to see me, but I could see you. I stood still as I saw the figure that was on the ground, in front of a parking car. A homeless man... Not surprising really. There are a lot of homeless people here, but it's rare to see one just sitting there, in front of your house. Good thing he was on the other side of the street, I would've panicked. I kept staring at the man, he wore a grey sweater that looked to be ripped at the top. Baggy pants that seemed to be too big for him covered his legs, his feet were out of the brown leather shoes he wore, and if you paid close attention, you could see the green, torn up socks he had on. He also had a sort of Christmasy red and white hat on, I almost mistook it for being the Cat in the Hats hat.

I felt rude, to stare at such a site in front of me. But I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, heck I felt like I almost forgot how to blink and breathe. The man hung his head low, his arms in the middle of his body as he was sitting in a position almost crisscrossed, but backward. His head hung low as his back was hunched over himself, he was twitching ever so often. It's almost as he's trembling in fear, but I'm sure that's not the case. People like this either have already taken a huge amount of drugs, or he could have also been drunk as well. He did seem to move back and forth now and then, his head twitching from side to side, almost like a zombie. I couldn't get a clear look at his face, but at the same time, I don't think I would've wanted to.

I suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing harshly, the trees swaying quickly as the fall leaves fell down to the ground more. I put my hands into my pockets more as I buried my head into my scarf, trying to keep myself warm from this sudden breeze. Thank God it actually helped break from the trance I've been in before. But as I did this, I noticed that the man had moved, only to make himself into a ball and lay on the ground more, still somehow upright. The breeze started to calm down, a sigh of relief coming out of my mouth. But as I was about to continue my walk, I noticed that the man wasn't moving again. He was trying to keep himself warm, it's the only thought that crossed my mind. With that, I continued walking.

As I did so, my mind went into a battle.

Why didn't I help that man?

Seriously, even though I fake myself, I know I'm kind-

Best to leave him there, it's his fault anyway

Maybe if I gave him some money or food, he'll be happy?

Screw that, no one would give a damn anyway!

But what about me? It's my choice!

Could've ended up dead and regret my choice hard

Maybe there was a bit of hope he could be redeemed?

People don't care for someone like that, just do the same!

It's my decision, why should people judge the way I think?

My mind suddenly stopped as I realized I was inside the house, locking the door at the same time. I sighed as I left my stuff in its place and went to wash my hands. My mind still wondered though. I felt like I should've helped the man, but at the same time, it wasn't my problem and I could've been seriously hurt, maybe even killed. If I did any of these actions though, people would definitely judge. "Why is she helping that guy? There's no hope of him trying to redeem himself, an ugly bastard is what he is." or maybe, "How cruel can that girl be? They could've helped the man and at least make a change! What a bitch!" People spread rumors around quickly, and it affects the minds of people, almost brainwashing them.

..... Yes, I feel sympathy for leaving the man there, but at the same time, I knew my actions would be fruitless to almost everyone. I looked out the window to see the man still there, but to also see cars slowing down to look at him, but then moving quickly again towards their destination. I told you, around here, it's like a fight for survival. If I had the ability to tell everyone who witnessed what I did, I'd ask, "Would you help this man? Or would you just leave him there? Those who are quick to judge should think about what they would do if they were in my footsteps. Who's the bitch now? Who's the helper now?! No one, not any of us. We would all think the same thing, knowing what may lie ahead, knowing what this man did to himself, knowing the consequences as to what might happen if you were to help him."

We fear what might happen the next moment, we're afraid to take the next step. So instead, we send out someone else, then judge them for their actions, assuming where their heart lies.

I did what I did. I feel sorry for what I did, yet at the same time, I don't, because I know what would've happened if I took the risk. Would you?

(Oh hey, you read it! Wow, I mean, my stories are kind of trash and uh... Yeah lol. Anyway, thanks for reading, comment, and vote if you like. Also, I'm going to be making some short stories about the game I play, Sky: Children of The Light. I would be making a separate book about it, so if there are any fans who know the game and love the stories people make about it, stay tuned. See ya, peeps!)

                                                         - JJ The Idot

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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