Wishing Upon A Star

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Once, there was a little girl who lived with her father. He loved her very much, but she wanted more. She wanted a bond so strong that it'll make her feel loved every day. Every night, the little girl will always look out her window and count the big stars that shined brightly. 'Oh I wish, I wish!' She thought. 'Oh, I wish they'll come back. It's only been months, but it feels like years.' She then saw a little star that was separated from the bigger stars. She then spoke, "Little star, why are you so small? And why are you not with the rest of the stars?"

"I was born like this, small, and the rest of the stars don't like me. They say I'm too little to be wished upon and too dim to shine so brightly." The little star replied sadly. The little girl felt bad for the star, it reminds her of how she was treated at school. She then smiled. "Don't worry, little star. I feel the same way too. It does feel quite saddening, yes. But, we just gotta keep going and hope for the best!" The little star was surprised by her enthusiasm, given how much she was treated badly. The little star glowed a bit, but not much. "Thank you, little girl. I guess you are right. Soon, the time will come when everything will be alright." The star then asked, "Also, I heard you wishing for something. Do you mind telling me what it is?"

The little girl looked down. "Well, I was wishing for my mother and brother to come back. It's been months since I've seen them because of what's happening here. But still, it feels like years. I miss my brother. We used to play together every day and laugh with each other. I miss mother. She will always hug me whenever I felt sad and always reminded me how much I meant to her... I will give anything to see them again." The little girl then began to cry.

The little star understood and was hurt seeing her cry. But then, he started to glow brightly. "Little girl, your wish will come true!"

The light was bright, but once faded, the girl was gone and so was the father...

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