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(WARNING: It starts off sad at first, but then happiness comes. Decided to bring up the mood somewhat since the last story uh... yeah, tears came out. ANYWAY, on with the show!)

Hey, can you hear me? Do I exist to you at all?

Every day it's been like this. Join, farewell, repeat. The cycle kept continuing after I met them. I was so happy back then, I felt fine being alone. That was until they came... And they ruined me! We were all supposed to have fun, to be together! So then why does it feel... Like I'm not apart of it all? Is it the way I act? Maybe it's the way I speak? Am I not thinking like them correctly? Do I not understand them? Was it really just not meant to be? 

Maybe it was best that I should've stayed alone, alone forever. Maybe I shouldn't have opened my mouth at all. If only I had just stayed silent, I wouldn't have to feel like this. Unwanted, unloved, and extinct to them. I've always felt fine being alone. The Loneliness was my companion. They were always right with me, even though I couldn't see them. I would always talk to them when I played with my imagination, even though I couldn't hear them. I would hug them every now and then when I felt awful, even though I couldn't feel them. They were the ones to only understand me, to listen to me. They understood far better than any other person in this world. Not even my own parents can understand me.

Yes... I felt their love, and I gave it in return by being the perfect child they wanted me to be, although I knew that wasn't their true intentions. Deep down, I know they just want the best of me. But I have to be better... I MUST be better. I felt so incomplete if I didn't do that if I couldn't gain their love! They've shown me their love... So why do I want more? Oh Loneliness, even though you're with me all the time, at least you would understand. You're the only friend I ever had, the only one who understands me. You know what these... These bastards don't! I made a mistake to let them in. I shouldn't have become friends if they were just wasting my time for... Idiotic stuff!

Hey, can you hear me?... Heh, guess not. I'm just... Nothing


Hey, can you see me? Do I have your attention?

Every day it's been like this. Join, farewell, repeat. The cycle kept continuing until they came. They looked so desperate, so hopeful. And when they came to our group... They made me feel curious. It was such fun having another friend! So then why does it feel like... They're still so desperate? That maybe there's more to them that I must do? Maybe they're still not comfortable with us yet? Is it because of how we're acting? Maybe I'm the one in the wrong? Is there any trouble they're having? Do I not understand them fully? Was this maybe a puzzle I have to solve

I have a lot, and I mean, A LOT, of friends! They're all so nice and sweet, I just love hanging out with all of them! I really used to love Company, they're always there for comfort, even though they're busy. They're always there to listen to me, even though I sometimes doubt they do pay attention. They're always there to love me, even though it gets a bit awkward. I love them, yet I feel as if I'm still missing something... I used to love Company, but I think maybe Company doesn't love me back as I want them to. 

My family loves me too, but I feel like sometimes, they're giving me too much love. It's so sweet and all, and I adore my family. I pay their love in return to be the best child they want me to be. I may not be perfect, but at least they like me how I am. I appreciate everyone, but their love is too much. People only hang out with me for other stuff. I think sometimes that maybe... They're just with me because of how I act so similar to them. The kindness and love I share with them, I feel they take it for granted. I don't think... Anyone wants to see nor know the real me. They just want sweet, lovable me.

Hey, can you see me?... I'm so glad we can finally meet in person, just the two of us!


Hey, can we talk? Are we still friends?

A few years have passed by. It was just a normal day like any other, except for two people, who we're now content with their lives. It was a bumpy start and it took some time for them to get used to each other. But after so many trial and errors, some could say they were the perfect pair of friends anyone could've seen. One was confident and naive, while the other was aware and doubtful. They say two opposites won't work with each other but turns out it worked for them the most.

There was one who wanted to feel truly loved, who wanted to be the best yet not, who wanted a person to trust on, who wanted a "true friend" who would listen to them. They felt hopeless throughout the days, knowing how Loneliness will always be with them. They used to like Loneliness... Until they grew tired of them. Then there's the other who wanted to share their love, who wanted to be themselves and support others, who wanted to depend on someone, who wanted a "true friend" to see them as who they really are. Even though they had lots of love and kindness given to them, they didn't want all of it. Company used to be their friend and would always be with them. They adored Company... Until they grew tired of them.

Both met each other one day, and as soon as they did, a flower bloomed. They discovered their flaws and accepted them. They helped each other through many tough times. They stayed together and know when they need space. And they shared their love with each other, as well as with many others they meet and trust. Nothing could penetrate what they had, a bond of friendship that they cherished greatly. Even though opposites, it was their flaws that held them together and support each other every way.

Hey, can you hear me? I'm so happy your by my side.

Hey, can you see me? I'm so glad you accept the real me.

Hey, can we talk?... You're the greatest friend ever, and nothing will ever change that!

(Yay, ya made it to the end! Here's a trophy! *Hands a trophy to you* This was inspired to a great friend I have who always stayed by my side and even though we act differently, we're always there for each other. I love her so much like a sister and I thank God that I was able to meet her. Have a nice day everyone!)

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