Interlude I - Written Form

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(WARNING: Language and a hint of Drug Use at the end!)

Quick but cool music could be heard in the background, faint chattering in the distance. A group of girls laughing and gossiping together. Must sound interesting what they're-

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" ... Oh boy... 

"Oh. My. God. You are not gonna believe what happened-!" One said as another girl intervened.

"I heard about Juanitas Ex!" 

"Juanitas Ex?! Are you kidding me?!" Another girl exclaims as one laughs. "Oh my god, we hear something like every two da-"
"-like he just believes-" "What a douche" "he's god's gift to women." 

They all started to talk badly about the boy saying stuff- 

"Like, he looks like a douche bag" 

"His hair, his shoes-" 

"Like, what a fucking asshole" 

"And those dirty ass Ni-" 

"-he's from, like Florida" 

They continued on their trash talk of the boy until they changed the topic to Juanita. 

"And you know she deserves so much more!" 

"-meone who doesn't buy his followers-" A girl brought out to the conversation. 

"-he doesn't even know what a woman likes like, what the fuck?" 

Then one girl brought up a topic on the boy again, trying to make the others quiet as they listened. "Wait wait wait, I heard he got fired from that cartoon he does."  

"What?!" "No way-" 

Another brought up something else, adding to the fire. "I heard he cheated on his new girlfriend." 

"Ugh" "Again?" 

The last one is what made the coversation went wild, or well, for one person- 

"I heard he does coke now and, like, screams a lot-"


And there he was, the man of the hour, the one who involves himself into drugs, Juanita's Ex. The group of girls laughed wildly, taking this as a humoristic show. The boy grabs his head as he tries to calm himself, repeating some words over and over- 

"Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over aND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVERANDOVERANDOVERAAAAAAAAAA-"

The scene changes as the same boy was shown, cutting up what looks to be some sort of white powder. He then took a circular paper and snorted it all. He lets out a sigh of satisfaction...

(Inspried by this Music Video. Credit to the owner who made this incredible music-)

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