Captain's orders

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We played a game at band camp called captain's orders where you have to do certain commands before everyone else. If you do the wrong command or are the last one to do something, you're out. The people calling commands try to trip you up by saying commands fast back to back (like the ones where you have to face left and right, they will call those quickly back to back and say left twice, trying to get people to turn right) or making you go from down on the ground and standing up really fast. It gets tiring after a while, and it really hurts my knees (which were already bruised) when going up and down. Not to mention that we have to wear masks, so that tires you out as well.

Anyway it was down to me and some freshman whose name I don't know. They kept trying to trip us up by calling left and right quickly, but the whole game I didn't fall for it. The other kid did fall for it, so I won :)

And yes, I actually did the Leon victory pose thing when I won, because I'm an idiot and a nerd. Plus, I don't think anyone would get the reference anyway. (Oddly enough I don't know many people irl who play Pokémon.)

But yeah I was sweaty and out of breath, so that wasn't fun. And right after that, we did more marching stuff, so I was tired when doing that. The important thing is that I finally won an icebreaker game at band camp. We played it a few days ago and I was one of the last people left in the game, but I didn't win.

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