chapter 1 1/2

45 3 83

Edited: aight I fixed this chapter.....have a great day


These artwork belong to ItsALolbitShow she is the best!!!

Puma is her OC character who is in the storie. Check her out :D

If anything happens to ItsALolbitShow imma kill everybody and then myself

Enjoooyyyyyy (kill me :'D)

                        Model DM10,000

Serial # 783 666 369

Bios 8.2 Revision 1086


Memory reboot Failed

Loading O5...

System Initialization.......Ok
Checking Biocoponents....OK
Checking advanced features....OK



Damien p.o.v aka DM10000

My eyelids start to open up as I've rebooted. I squinted at the glassy vision infront of me; my surroundings were a tin of lime green. I look around with curiosity, I identify that im inside a tube filled with lime liquid, I looked down to see that im attached to wires and an unnecessary breathing mask attached to my mouth. I fell the argue to growl and get out of this tube, until a lady came up to be with a red dress, blue eyes, and dark drown hair.

She looked at me with kindness," DM10,000, may you identified you serial number?" She ask. In monotoned I responded, "serial number existence 783 666 369" I've responded with a deep voice surprising the lady. " May I know your features" she ask again.

" Im an physically created by Michael Fong and work from the government, I can cook, clean, babysit, and be used for your needs. I can investigate quicker than an RK800 android and future inventions, and can run with a speed of 3 horses. My fangs are use to only necessary purposes, killing or poisoning. Eye vision of an owl; you can switch my language and accent if you like. Example, 'Hola buenas tardes,soy creado para investigation advansada'.

   She looked at me with a smile. " DM10,000, may I know your vertifide name?" I immediately start searching for common or simply names use in the whole world, I've found one that people been talking about of a character in the one called "Who killed Markiplier". I stoped scanning.

"My name is Damien"


Connors p.o.v

I started to walk to Jimmy's bar, I've been looking for a paticular person for time now. Ive heard that im being partnered with Lieutenant Anderson and Detective Moonlight. I saw the no allowed signs in the door.

No dogs allowed
No Androids allowed
No Staillerlife androids allowed

Hm, wonder what Staillerlife androids are. I enter the building filled with alcohol and smoke, people snickering of my appearance. Ive scan everybody in the bar, lucky I found the older man.

He is my DM-10,000 (Connorx Cooper(OC) x Lia(lolbits OC)[ Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now