1. Dhruv Vikram?

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Megha POV:

It was a saturday afternoon and these stupid friends of mine thought it was a great idea to get pictures wearing a saree. Though I wasn't so interested in this plan, I agreed knowing there was no way around it.

The first problem about sarees is that I do not like Sarees. I mean they are cute and all but we would only wear a saree to the temple and maybe a party or two. And now that we are in Uni, we don't even go to parties as much other than garba and a few desi events at Uni.

I live in Texas. Born and raised in Texas my whole life.Though i was born here, I was more interested in Tamil. I mean who wouldn't? Not only is it my mother tongue but it's our identity. Most people I know do not like to be addressed as Tamil but me...I was different from other Desis. Among all the ABCD which are all the American Born Confused Desi, I struggled to get an identity in front of them. Maybe they were confused but I wasn't. I was tamil and I was proud of it.

"What the hell is taking you so long?" my friend Shriya's voice was annoying the hell out of me.

"I'm coming idiot...just wait." I said as I parked my car at Hermann Park. This was a very beautiful park that us girls had gone to so many times. All the museums were around this place.

It was a huge place and I didn't know where they were. The parking lot was full like always and it took me an hour to find a place to park. I started to run with this saree. Holding it up with one hand and my phone near my ears.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Miller theatre." She said.

We used to sit there on that hill so many times. I knew exactly how to get there but this was gonna take forever to walk to. I looked around to make sure where I parked my car. Great, I parked it in front of the Natural science Museum.  I came here a lot too.

"You do know if the sun goes down, the pics do not look so good?" She said.

"If you're so worried about the pictures, why don't you take it without me?" I asked as I stepped on the back of my saree and tripped on myself.

Everything was slow mo at this point. I was falling down as suddenly I felt a hand wrap around my waist and pulled my arms.

Thank god. It didn't fall down. I turned around to thank the person who had helped me.

His face was covered almost fully but I knew I had seen his eyes somewhere. All I could see was his eyes and he was wearing one of those face covering hats. This is houston. The hottest state in the state and this man is wearing a face mask. Oh come on, Corona is finally gone and it was all of our dreams to throw away our masks forever.

"Thank you." I said looking at him confused.

"No problem." He said in a voice I have heard so many times but I just couldn't tell very well. Wait...he sounds like Vikram...actor Vikram. You know the man from Saamy, the one from the movie I, Kanthasamy to name a few. Like I said, I was tamil therefore I watched every single tamil movie available.

It's not really a big deal cause people sound like others and they are not even related. I decided to walk away as I realized he was looking at me confused too.

"If you don't mind me asking? Why are you wearing that? It's summer in houston. Like the hottest time of the year." I said.

"well...I don't know.."He said as I shrugged..

"Anyways, I am Megha." I said as I pulled my arms to shake hands.

"Hey Megha...nice to meet you I am.." He started as my eyes travelled down to the tattoo on his wrist.

It was written in tamil. It read Vikram... and the only person who had Vikram written on his wrist was Dhruv. Actor Vikram's son.

"Dhruv?" I beat him to it as I looked up to see him surprised even though the hat that covered his whole face.

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