2. Selfies with Dhruv

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"Oh my god, no wonder you sounded like Vikram sir...Oh my god... Can I have your Autograph and also a selfie please? I want to tell everybody that I met the Adhitya Varma." I was ranting by this point.

"How did you know?" He asked me while removing his hat a little too for me to see.

"Your wrist...I've seen your interviews and I have also seen your award thing too." I said.

"Oh but I have dad's name." He said.

"That's what I mean. You have your dad's name on you wrist. I've seen them. I found it so cute ever since I saw it." I said.

"Thanks." He said.

"You came here alone?" I asked.

"Well, came here with a few friends but I decided to have a walk alone." He said.

"Do you really like wearing this?" I asked.

"I wasn't wearing it when I came in. A lady came up to me and asked me if I was related to dad and I was like...I'm Dhruv and a lot of people piled up on me and asked for autographs so I decided to wear this and not disturb the public." he said.

"What's the point of coming here wearing this. Take it off." I said as I pulled it off of him as his whole face was revealed.

He looked hot. Man he's so hot...I didn't know how to stop my smile. The fact that he looked like a jerox copy of Vikram sir made it even better. I mean I used to love Vikram Sir's movies. He was on the last with Thalapathy and Dhanush and Rajinikanth's movies that I would not mind rewatching ones in a while. Some movies aren't worth rewatching but Vikram sir's movies are worth watching no matter how many times. 

"Hello!" He said bringing me back from daydreaming about him and his dad.

"Uhm...sorry! You look more handsome in real life than on screen. And you look like a jerox copy of Vikram sir." I said.

"Thank you." He said as he walked over with me.

"So what do you do?" He asked.

"Well, I'm still in Uni. Well I just got my bachelor's degree and will start on my master's this following year. Not much about me." I said not knowing what else to say.

"What's the saree for?" He asked.

"Well...my engagement's in just a few days and these girls want to do get pictures to make a slideshow or whatever." I said.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"22." I said.

"That's a bit early to get married isn't it?" He asked, looking a bit disappointed. I was confused but I shrugged it off. Maybe I'm just overthinking his genuine question.

"Well yeah...it is but I had no option. I was forced to marry him. I don't like him one bit but I guess that's how all Indian marriages start." I said.

"Good luck then." He said as he turned to leave.

"Sir, autograph and selfie?" I asked.

"Oh yes." He said.

"I got no paper to get an autograph from." I said.

"We'll just take a few selfies then?" He suggested.

As soon as we took a few selfies, he took a few in his phone too. I felt honored that he would take a pic with me on his phone.

"I have to go. We'll meet next time." He said. 

 "Well how do we meet next time? The only way I'll ever see you again is in your next movie." I said.

"Maybe we'll meet before then...who knows?" He said.

"Yeah I hope so too. I really want to meet your dad too."I said.

I watched Adhitya Varma's interview and Audio launches and Vikram sir basically put one of his movies on hold just to be with Dhruv to make Adhitya Varma perfect.

I mean Vikram's sir's first movie didn't turn out so good and it took him a while to come back but when he did, He showed the world he is one of the best. I guess he didn't want that to happen to Dhruv. It was so cute to see the father and the son's bond. I knew these people were really beautiful on the inside and outside.

He was gone by now but I couldn't forget to think about him. I mean he is every girl's crush. How many girls can he like back so it's a complete waste to fall for him and besides, I have to marry that good for nothing person who had been blackmailing me to marry him. I would rather not think about him now and ruin my happiness. .

I got to where the girls were and they were dead mad at me. Not like I could do anything anyways but idk anymore.

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