6. Her fiance

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Maybe she needed my help. I was just having a walk on the streets though nobody was around. I saw a bunch of cars on the street. I saw a gasstation and decided to go inside. That's when I saw her again. She was standing there Arguing with somebody. Not arguing but pleading with someone.

What the hell? I walked toward her as I saw her talking to an old man.

"Who the fuck is he?" He he was shouting.

It was night time so nobody was in the store except the manager who didn't care about anything. I stayed behind to see what was happening.

"I told you...he's only a celebrity." She said crying.

"If you dare talk to any other guys, I will not hesitate to kill him and your family." He was shouting.

"Who are you trying to fool? Why would a celebrity want to talk to you bitch?" He asked.

That's it. I lost my patients and walked to him.

"That's him." the man in standing next to him said pointing at me.

"What is Mr. Celebrity doing here?" The man asked.

"I was just..." I started.

"Don't you ever come in my way. Megha is mine and I'm not sharing here...not until I have her for myself first." He said as Megha looked at him in disgust.

What the fuck? I was never used to seeing a man treat a women like this. I've seen it in movies but not in real life. Oh god...I couldn't feel anything but pity for megha.

"Dhruv, please leave." Megha finally said.

"Get out now or else I will make sure you die too." He said.

"Wait...do you know who I am?" I asked.

"Why the fuck would I be interested in knowing about you?" He asked.

"Wait, he actually is a an actor boss." One of the men said as the guy looked at me confused.

"I'm Dhruv Vikram. Search me up anywhere if you want." I said.

"Mr.Dhruv, please don't come into my business. Megha here is my girlfriend. I have the rights to do anything with her. Please leave now." He was saying more softer than he was thinking I was a fool.

"She is my friend. I have the rights to stop her from crying." I said.

"Just friends right...that's alright. Why would you want to marry her?" He asked as he left or more like ran away from there.

Was he afraid of me? I guess he was that 42 year old fiancé of hers.

"So...who is he?" I asked as she wiped off her tears.

"My fiancé." She said with disgust.

"He looks old." I said .

"He is...all he has is lust for me and he said he would sell me after his hunger satisfies. He disgust me in every way. He had tried to rape me many times but I had escaped every time. I don't know how I would stop this wedding." She was crying.

"Can't you just turn him down and call the cops or something?" I asked.

"He will kill my parents before I could do anything anyways. He said he would. He also has all of our passport and everything so we can't leave." She said.

"What type of human is he?" I asked.

"Sometimes I feel like throwing up hearing about him." She said as fresh tears start to run down her cheeks.

"Look Megha...don't worry. I'll help and we'll find a way out of this." He said.

"I hope so but I'll do anything for my parents." She said

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