10. Where is she?

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I quickly hugged him and started crying. I couldn't believe there was a guy in my life other than my family who had taken the risk to save me from my nightmare. He was the perfect one but I didn't want to get my hopes up high only for it to be another nightmare.

I didn't know why that kiss felt good but it did. It was my first kiss though I knew Adhitya Varma was his cause I watched one of his interviews. Then a deja vu situation appeared in front of me as my mom walked in on us while we were kissing. Deja vu as in the Adhitya Varma scene where Meera's dad sees them kissing and takes her away but this one turned differently.

Amma was glad Dhruv wanted to save me. I was glad my mom accepted it that fast. If it was some other time, she would have yelled the shit out of me and gave me lectures on how he was an Actor and that too a man who had acted in a movie with too many intimate scenes but today it was different. Everything was different.

After he had left, I felt a whole lot better. He makes me feel beautiful while that man makes me feel disgusted of myself. I decided to give this a try. Better than nothing right?

Days were passing and Dhruv and I couldn't even contact each other cause William took m phone up along with my parents. I wanted to kill him with my own hand. Dhruv didn't come to see me for 5 days. That meant that I only had 3 days before the wedding. William wouldn't even let me invite anybody and this was going to be a secret.

Did Dhruv really love me or was he just trying me make me feel better by saying he loved me? I mean I didn't even know what had happened to him. We were to shift to a different place and there goes my last chance to even ask for help. I didn't know where we were going and all I knew was he already had what we were going to wear and what we need for the wedding.

Appa looked heartbroken more than anybody else. Amma just wouldn't stop crying. I had stopped crying by this time. I decided not to kill myself but him if he did sucessfully married me. Dhruv probably gave up on me by now and I didn't know what his plan was in the first place.


It took me 5 freaking days to get his fingerprint and all my plans were almost perfect. I only needed two more things. Megha's family's signature for this letter and the passports. If I got that figured out, I'll be able to save them. All of them together. I decided to just use the main entrance to meet her.before I go in and get her passport. I knocked thinking someone would answer the door but nobody did. WIlliam's men were mine now since I paid them extra but even they weren't around.

I called them to see what was happening. They must know where she was.

"Hello? Do you know where Megha is?" I asked.

"Megha ma'am and her parents were sent to a different place and they are under Mr.Walker's supervision now so he had told us our job was done." He said.

"Oh..do you know where they are now?" I asked.

"No sir..I do not." He said as I decided to get the first part done first.

I sneaked into William's house and he wasn't even home. My spies had told me he was staying at a hotel for the night. This was the most perfect chance right. I had a fake fingerprint and tried it. It successfully opened and I looked into it to find all of their passports and Licence and basically everything.

I took all of it and rushed to my hotel. Only the letter part left. I have written on a letter that WIlliam walker was forcing them and that he had blackmailed Megha he would kill her parents and her parents that he would kill megha. If anyone of them gets hurt he would be sent under the bars.

How was I gonna find Megha now? It's been 5 days and I knew she didn't have her phone so how was I to contact her?

William is an ordinary man right? He was just rich and old but that was all. I could easily defeat him.

I called my spies to find the hotel he was staying at. Maybe that was where he is keeping Megha?

"What was that address he was staying at?" I asked.

"Sir, i'll share you the location and from what I see, Megha ma'am is also here cause I see her parents." The spy said.

"Thank you...figure out the room number while I come." I said as I rushed to the place.

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