8. She likes me!

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I finally said it. It's been bothering me and I felt relieve that I told her I love her. I know she isn't in the situation to accept me love but I will prove myself and my love to her. I can't believe it's me speaking. I have to tell dad about this before it's too late.

Though I'm 26, dad makes the best decision. He has more experience of life than me and so I end up asking dad for advise for everything.

I called him not knowing how to start this explanation but one this about dad is he understands when I'm struggling to say something and he has the patience to listen to me before jumping to conclusions.

"Dad, are you busy?" I asked as he answered the call.

"No, what's up?" He asked.

"Well...there is this girls and..." I started explaining everything.

"You got yourself in a tough situation Dhruv but you'll come out of it soon." He said.

"What do I do? I told her I'll do something." I said.

"Well, do something." He said.

"Dad, I need your help..." I said.

"What is there for me to help you in this? I mean you are old enough to make your own decision. You're 26. I'm not saying I won't help you but you need to come up with a plan first." He said.

"A plan? That's why I called you. I need a plan." I said.

"You were the one who told her you'll get her passport so think. What made you say that? I know you didn't say it just to make her feel better." He said.

"Maybe I did? I didn't want her to cry cause I couldn't see her sad face 24/7." I said.

"Wait...the spies...I think I have an idea." I finally said.

"Which is?" Dad asked.

"Dad, I'm old enough to make my decision right? Please don't ask why I did what I did but you just have to believe in me. I can do this." I said.

"I've been seeing you for 26 years. I know you can do it." He said as I heard someone call him in the background.

"Alright, I need to leave. Ask me for help with whatever your plan is and the girl believes in you so don't break her trust." He said before cutting the call.

Idk what it is about dad but hearing his voice makes my brain reboot. All the sorrow or whatever I'm feeling goes away as soon as I hear dad's voice.

There was this one time while shooting Adithya Varma when I had the worst day and to make it worst, dad wasn't even there for shooting that scene. As soon as dad walked in to the shooting place, I ran over to him and cried hugging him.

Just seeing him walk toward me made me feel a whole lot better. The bod dad and I shared was something I haven't really seen in many movies but we are more like best friends than a father and son.

There is officially 8 days for the wedding. Nobody was taking my Megha away. As soon as I got myself my own spies to spy on Wilson and his family. I started to do a few necessary things in secret.

I didn't forget to inform dad but nobody else. I also payed extra to his spies and now they are on my side. I went to see how Megha was doing since I haven't talked to her in a whole.

I sneaked into her room and found her crying sitting on her bed. What the hell? Not again.

I walked up to get as she looked at me startled. As soon I got there she ran toward me and hugged me. I could feel the pain inside her as I hugged her back.

"Megha, it will be alright...I promise." I said.

She didn't reply. All she did was hug me and cried harder. Maybe if I gave her the shoulder to cry on, she might start to feel more happier. I remember how whenever I cried on My dad's shoulders I felt a lot better.

After she pulled away from the hug, i looked at her red cheeks. And was the finger marks I see. What the hell hd happened?

"What happened?" I asked caressing her cheeks.

"He slapped me." She said softly.

"and you didn't want to tell me?" I asked.

"He took my phone away too." She added.

"Fuck him." I said hugging her.

"What if he does marry me? I'll kill myself cause I can't live..." she stopped as I kissed her cheeks.

"I love you and you're only mine. He can't do nothing." I said as she smiled at me staring right into my eyes.

Yes! She loves me too. Her eyes say it all. She broke the eye contact too soon and looked away blushing.

"We'll take revenge on him." I said.

"Where were you all day?" She asked.

"I was busy with my plans. My dad accepted you without even knowing who you are." I said with a smile.

"Oh." She said as cupped her soft face.

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