12. Proud Ending

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I was screaming as he hit Dhruv on the head. I ran toward dhruv but he had passed out by that point. I was screaming for him to wake up but it was too late. Oh god...why?

"Please don't do anything to him." I was crying.

"I possibly can't cause his dad is a big celeb so for ones i'm leaving him because I don't want any issues later." He said as I relaxed a bit.

"But's he can't get out till our wedding." He said as he locked me in the room and dragged Dhruv out.

My parents came to my room and told me about how Dhruv have the passports and that I still had time to escape but I knew he would kill Dhruv if I had left. I just want Dhruv to be safe. I decided to get married to William and kill him tonight.

Since this was going to be an indian styled wedding, William came in a veshti and it just made me wanna throw up seeing him in it. He looked disgusting with his dyed beard and old man face. I wanted to kick in the balls right then and there was he had knifes on my parent's neck at this point.

Everything around me was started to slow down. The priest started to chant the mantras and I sa there staring at nothing.

This wedding means nothing to me but I just couldn't wait to kill William. I was mentally and Physically ready for all the consequences. As he picked up the thali that means nothing to him, a tear ran down my eyes.

"Stop the damn wedding." I heard Dhruv's voice as police entered with Dhruv who looked physically hurt very badly. Blood stains all over his shirt.

"Dhruv." I was about to run to him as William looked at the man who had their knifes around my parent's neck.

"We are here to arrest Mr. William Walker for forcing Ms.Meghavini into this marriage with you."The cop said.

"Oh really Megha? Did I force you?" He asked with a smile as I looked at Vikram.

"She did sign this paper." he said as he looked at me with a straight face.

"And it says here that if something happens to her parents, you are responsible." The police was speaking as the men took the knifes off my paren't neck and they came infront.

"Is that true ms.Meghavini?" The police asked.

"Yes sir, please arrest him." I said as i looked at Dhruv who was having a hard time even standing up.

I ran toward him as he gave me a weak smile. His face finally showed victory. I hugged him tight as he hugged me back. We watched William being arrested.

I noticed a white lady standing there with tears in her eyes.

"He tried to sell my daughter as well...that's why I left him." She said.

"Looks like Mr.Walker earned himself under the bars for the rest of his lifetime. The police said as they left taking him away.

"Dhruv...are you alright?" I asked.

"Yes..what do I look like?' he asked.

"How did you do it?" I asked.

"When I woke up hors later, it was the next day morning and i knew we didn't have much time. The letter was still with me though I gave your passports away. I knew you wouldn't just leave so I fought the men and somehow escaped.

"Dhruv, I do not know how to thank you my son." Appa said as I looked at him.

"uncle...All I'm gonna ask you is Megha...I love her...will you marry her to me?" Dhruv asked as Appa smiled.

"I would never be able to find a better man than you for my daughter." Appa said.

"You all forgot me." We heard a voice as I turned around and saw Vikram sir himself standing in front of me.

"Appa!" Dhruv said as he ran to him and hugged him.

"I knew you would accomplish everything." Vikram sir said as I ran toward them.

"So...she is the great Megha who won my son's heart?" He asked.

"Hello sir." I said excited.

"Bless us...appa." Dhruv said as we got his blessing.

Soon Dhruv got his first aid done since he was all bruised. As soon as everything was done, we went to my house where Vikram sir told my parents he would be alright with our marriage but I could finish up my masters if I wanted to.

Dhruv will be working on his next film in a few days. I mean his first few films were a hit. Every girls wanted him but here I am almost getting ready to marry this man. Yep, an year had passed since that incident and Our marriage was next month. The engagement was officially over.

"What are you doing here?" Dhruv asked as he walked toward me.

"Dhruv...I can't believe everything went well." I said.

"You were meant to be my lady love and no stupid old man could stop it. Stop thinking about the past and start daydreaming about our future together." He said.

"So, do you feel happy to be the fiance of Dhruv Vikram?" He asked.

"I'm more proud to be the daughter in law of Chiyaan Vikram. Not for his fame cause you have fame too but your dad had worked hard to come to a position...not that you didn't give your best but without your dad, you wouldn't have given you best." I said.

"who isn't proud of dad?" He asked.

"I'm lucky to get him as my father. This perfect life wouldn't be possible without him. He had done everything her could to make this perfect." He said.

"I hear my name." Vikram sir walked toward us.

"We were just talking about how proud Dhruv is to have you as his father." I said.

"I'm proud to have a son like Dhruv. I know how hard he had worked to get to the place he is now and I should be the one who should be proud for making me stand up proud." Vikram sir said.

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