3. The Girls

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"I met...Dhruv.." I said out loud as they stared at me.

"Dhruv Vikram? Adhitya Varma?" I asked as they all started to laugh.

"So your excuse to be late is that you met Dhruv Vikram who would be in India right now filming for whatever his next film is?" Sharulatha asked,

"Look Sharu... I got proof." I said as I showed them the pictures we took as the girls started to gasp on by one. It was a funny sight to watch.

"You were supposed to bring him here." Emily said.

Though Emily was white, she and I grew up together so she was a fan of every tamil actor I was a fan of. Her Favorite was Dhanush and Mine was Thalapathy Vijay. Emily can even understand tamil .

"Sorry folks but he had to leave." I said.

"Can someone tell Megha how much I hate her?" Shriya asked.

Shriya was a fan of every hot kollywood actor including Dhruv. When a movie comes out, she would fangirl that particular guy till another movie with another one shows up.

"I said sorry." I said.

"Don't be...it's just luck. Maybe next time if he meets you again, you can give us a call." Kriti said.

Kriti was north indian so she was more into bollywood more but I was never interested in bollywood only because those movies were too long and boring in my perspective. Plus I can't understand hindi.

"Megha...picture time." Sneha said.

Sneha's not reacting about this? I'm surprised. Sneha was a malayali and she watched all three of the movies. Arjun Reddy with Vijay, Adhitya Varma with Dhruv and then Kabhir Singh with the hindi dude I don't know the name of.

"Sneha? Is that you?" I asked.

"I learned to understand life. I don't think it's too late if we go searching for him now right? The faster we take the pic the faster we can GO SEARCH FOR HIM YOU DUMB ONES." She said the last part loudly to grab our attention.

Yeah there it goes. These girls are so annoying. I swear.

Sneha didn't forget to look for Dhruv everywhere she went and as soon as she found him, she ran toward him .

There we go. The psycho is gonna make him very irritated.

"OMG DHRUV SIR!! I CAN"T BELIEVE I GOT TO SEE YOU." Sneha said...no screamed as the others ran behind her as I smiled and walked behind them.

Don't take me wrong but I was just behaving in front of Dhruv. Dhruv was with a few people I had never seen before so they must be his friends for Uni or something.

"Hey." He said in his sexy voice as all of the girls went nuts.

"And we meet again. I told you we'll meet again." He said with his victory smile.

"I guess so." I said smiling as the others stared at me in disbelief.

"Anyways, these are my friends. You girls mind taking us to a really good restaurant?" Dhruv asked.

"Sure." Sneha was the first one to answer.

"Dhruv Sir...Can we have a selfie with you?" Sneha asked.

"Well, first off, just call me Dhruv and then second, Yes you may." He said.

"So what are you here for?" Sharu asked.

"Short film. The guys and I wanted to do a short film so we chose this location. We'll be here for a month." He said.

"Oh really?" we all asked at the same time.

"Yes. " He said with a smile.

"Mind if we go get changed first? Cause it's a bit hard to walk with this." Shriya asked.

"Yes sure, we'll wait here." Dhruv's friends said. 

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