5. Just a Crush

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We got to the restaurant and I grabbed my seat next to Megha before anybody could. She smiled at me as the other girls stared at us. We talked and I got to know a lot about Megha other than the fact about whom she was getting married. It wasn't a hard job to find out who she was gonna marry right? I could just find her full bio-data very fast.

"Megha...are you gonna invite Dhruv to your wedding?" her friend  Kriti asked.

"And engagement too...it's in a couple of days," Sneha said.

Megha was turning red now. She probably felt more embarrassed than ever.

"Yes sure...I mean Dhruv is a celebrity but yes, if you did come, it would be an honor." She said with a fake smile.

I could tell she didn't like to talk about her marriage but why? Her parents were forcing her? I could talk to them and tell them how I would be more fit. Wait what did I just say? I could be more fit? Oh lord...This girl really did make me talk to myself too much.

"What's your phone number?" I asked when the others were all engrossed in their conversation.

She was in deep thoughts and I guess she was startled when I asked for her number. Cute.

"Well my number is 832-***-****" She said as I noted it on my phone.

After we had went back to the hotel we were staying at, I decided to find more information about her. I know it's a bit creepy to stalk a girl though alot of tamil movies are basically about stalking a girl. But I had to do what I had to do. I can't let anybody know about how i started to have a crush on her.

After spenting an hour searching info about her, I found out that her name was Meghavini Krishnan. She was 22 and currently got her Bachelor's in Forensics. She is getting married pretty soon to this white man named William Walker. He was 30 and is already married? WTF? Is she aware of all of this? How do I ask her? Her parents must have not known this.

William also have a lot of criminal cases on him. Her life is going ot be hell is she married him. He would only torture her and make her his slave cause he first wife had divorced him an year back.

I have to find out how he came to know about Megha and how this was happening? How could her tamil parents get her married to a white man? He is freaking white like tamil parents won't even go out of their caste to marry their daughter off to a man not hindu and definitely not tamil.

Why was this bothering me? Maybe I have a crush on her? It's just a crush and I should just crush it before it ruins me forever. Cause I obviously know i can never become an Adhitya Varma in real life cause though meera came back to Adhi, it was a movie and wasn't reality.

I let a few days pass by to get her out of my head but the more I tried to stay away, the more she stays in my heart.

I decided i needed some time alone. Megha was disturbing my every move. I didn't want to discus this with Dad just yet cause I don't want to worry him. Dad would accept all my decisions if they are good enough but...I wasn't sure about this just yet.

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