11. Caught

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This hotel had a balcony of its own and that helped me get easy access inside her room. There were technically 2 days left since today had come to an end.

As the spy told me her parent's and her room numbers, I decided to go to her parent's room first. There was a huge chance he would have kept people to stop them from escaping.

I jumped into the balcony and knocked on the door as her dad came toward me with a smile. He knew who I was though I have never met him

"Hello Uncle." I said as he opened the door.

"Dhruv?" He asked.

"Yes, That's me...uncle we don't really have much time...you have to do something...please sign this." I said.

"What is it?" He asked me.

He was shocked reading it but his face showed all kinds of emotions. As a son to one father, I was able to relate another father's pain when he sees his own kid's life turn into a nightmare. I have seen that emotion in dad's face whenever he was worried about me. Like I said, Dad is everything.

"But what if..." He started.

"I know exactly what you are thinking uncle...please believe me if I hand this in to the police, they will take care of everything else." I said.

"Alright...please do something and save her. Please." He was begging me.

"Uncle, I love her. I would do anything for her." I said as he looked at me with confidence finally evident in his face.

"Just give me a few days, the wedding will not happen no matter what." I said.

"Also uncle, I have this...if our plan doesnt work tomorrow, we'll just use this." I said handing him all of their passports and license and everything.

"Thanks pa." her parents said as I made my way to Megha's room.

She was sitting on the bed deep in thoughts as I knocked on the glass door. She was startled by the knock and her expression when she heard the sound was a must watch moment.

She looked up and the happiness on her face brought a smile to my lips. She quickly opened the door and hugged me,

"Dhruv...what are you doing here? I thought you would leave me forever." she said.

"What would I be doing here? I came here to take my love back?" I said.

"The wedding is in 3 days..or scratch that...in 2 days." She said still hugging me.

"All I need is a signature...your parents already signed." I showed her the paper as she looked at me confused.

She was still scared about this letter cause if William finds out, something would happen.

"Dhruv, are you sure? He would do anything to my family and are you sure you want to risk your life for me?" she asked.

"Oh come on...even I wasn't so sure about how I would figure this out. My dad helped me with this one like he always does. Look, this is the only way. He was trying to get you guys not to tell the police but he wouldn't know until tomorrow when the police come in to arrest him." I said handing her the pen and the paper.

"But what if.." She started while signing.

"No more what ifs...what can possibly go wrong now?" I asked as somebody knocked on her door.

"Fuck...hide.." She said as she pulled me to the curtains and covered the sheets over me.

"It's him. He would think I am asleep by now if he opens the door. Just stay there." She said as she layed on the bed and covered herself with the blankets.

She closed her eyes and acted like she was asleep. I stopped myself from moving and stood there behind the curtains.

"Oh, you're asleep?" He said coming closer.

I could feel her  heartbeat racing rapidly as he stood there.

"Hey bitch,,,get up." He said as she opened her eyes.

"Were you really asleep?" He asked.

"Huh? I was..." She said.

"Could you let me sleep at least?" She shouted for the first time.

"Christ...I'll leave." He said as he walked away probably not making sure I was there.

"Whew..." she said as the doors opened once again.

"What's the lump right there?" He asked pointing to the curtains.

"It's a pillow." She tried to lie as he came toward me.

That was the worst place to hide and the worst lie to tell.

He pulled the curtains away as I smiled at him

"What the fuck is he doing here?" He shouted as Megha looked at me scared.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm her fiance?" He said.

"Then why do you look like her fiance's dad?" I asked as Megha laughed.

William glared as Megha as she stopped laughing and looked at me.

"I didn't want to deal with a celebrity but it's alright to keep you under my control for a few days." He said as I stared at him.

"Your control? Try all you want." I said.

He walked toward me as I looked at him confused. He suddenly pulled a rod out of nowhere and hit it right on my head. It was just unexpected. I heard Megha's scream as everything went black.

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