7. The Proposal

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After talking to Dhruv, I felt somewhat better. Maybe I had a chance to get out of this shit. The man is half my age. How does he expect me to marry him. He was already married and his wife ran away from him.

I got home and cried myself to sleep. Amma and Appa has been crying about my fate every single day but they knew they can't reach for help. He had blackmailed them that he would rape me right there if they reached out for help.

I tried to act normal all this time but when Dhruv and his friends showed up, William started to think I was dating Dhruv. I would never do such a thing. He is India's most wanted man and I'm just ordinary.

My phone started to ring infuriating my thoughts about Dhruv. I looked at it to see the caller ID say William. Oh god why would he call me now?

"Hello?" I said.

"We'll cancel the engagement." He said as a smile appeared on my face.

"Cause I don't want you and that celebrity start dating and then you know. I chose you cause you're a virgin. And I need a virgin to satisfy my hunger." He said as I felt disgusted hearing his voice.

"I'm not dating anybody." I said.

"Well, then... why would you be meeting that guy...what's his name? Dhruv? I got his details. Looks like he's that guy every girl wants." He said.

"So you cancelled the engagement right? That means I am free?" I asked with hope that I knew I wouldn't work.

"No, our wedding is in 10 days. Be ready." He said as he cut the call making me want to cry harder.
I looked up to see Dhruv standing there alone. Was he stalking me? Why is he everywhere I go? Maybe it's coincidence? I don't know but I should stop being so attracted to him. He is a celebrity therefore he will not love me, an ordinary girl.

"Hey...are you alright?" He asked.

"Oh Hi Dhruv. What brings you here?" I asked.

"Just to get a cup of coffee. I mean i could get it at the hotel but I realized my friend might need help." He said.

"Wait what?" I asked confused.

"I have a lot to say Megha...and if you were thinking I stalked you here, yes I did." He said being honest.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause you might make a wrong decision. I don't want you to and I want to explain how we can fix this." He said as I looked around to see if william's spy were anywhere around.

As soon as I saw them staring right at us, I started to feel uncomfortable to talk to anyone. I can't talk freely to anybody.

"Megha...I know I'm not the most handsome guy in the world but will you marry me?" He asked in a quiet tone giving me a heart attack.

What the hell? My life is a joke to him?

I decided to stay quiet and look at the men standing there watching us. I knew they can't hear us but they must be watching very carefully of all of our action.

"Are you out of your mind or do you think I'm a joke?" I asked.

"Why do I have to meet you more than ones again and again? It was fate and destiny." He said.

"What the fuck? This is not Adhithya Varma Dhruv... I mean you know the movie more than I know about it cause you acted in it but movies are not reality and you should be aware of it. In real life, Meera could have never came back to Adithya and this is life." I said softer.

"What does Adithya Varma have to do with this? It was a role and I'm nothing like him. Adhi doesn't have patience and he has an anger issue but I don't. " he said.

"Dhruv, just leave...you do not want to be involved in this cause he will destroy the name your dad had built for you through making you do the best things. This is not one of them. Please just stop following me and let's actually forget we even met." I said as I got up and left.

The spies were looking at me confused. They probably think I walked out on Dhruv and if Willaim hears it, maybe he would move the wedding back? Not a chance.

Since we were out of Uni and I had nothing really to do. I spent most of my days crying over my fate. God doesn't have to be so tuff with my life.

I heard a sound through my window as I got up and walked toward it.

I moved the curtains and found Dhruv climbing up a ladder. What the fuck? He thinks he is Superman?

I opened up the window to let him in cause I have a lot of explain.

"Thank you for finally letting me in your room." He said .

"How did you find out?" I asked.

"I have my ways...also... don't worry, those spies won't be around for a while." He said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Your love? What else would I want?" He asked.

"We met a few days ago and this is not some bullshit kollywood more for you to fall in love at first sight."I said.

"Well yes, I did fall in love at first sight but why do I have to feel something for you that I had not felt for any other girls? Though there were those many liplock, I thought of Banita as a sister and same with Priya." He said.

"I feel like you feel pity for me. It's not love". I said.

"I have pity for so many girls and those girls were like a sister to me but you're something else...you're special," he said.

"Your dad, the media and kollywood would not want you dating an already engaged girl. Plus I'm getting married in 10 fucking days and there is no way to stop it." I said.

"Who said there isn't? If you love me, then trust me, I'll get you and your family out of this. Come on, I know I got this." He said.

"Look, it's better if you don't come into this cause I can't see your life being effected by me. I want to help you. So go away." I said.

"Look Megha...you can either tell me you love me now or later but either way, you'll love me within 10 days. I'll talk to dad about us right after this mess and don't worry he will agree." He said.

"Why would I love you?" I asked as I looked out the window to see if the spies were there.

They are both on sleeping pills. Won't get up till tomorrow morning." He said as I looked up at him.

Was he the one god sent to help me? No way. I can't let me thoughts wander like that. It was wrong to think this.

"I'll get going then but I think I got a plan." He said as I raised my eyebrow.

"You said he has your passport?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said a bit shocked that he got something.

"Well, let's first get it from him." He said.

"And how are we gonna do that?" I asked.

"Me...not you. You chill...I'll get everything back to before he entered you life". He said with a smile.

Idk why but this brought a smile to my face. He didn't forget to see it.

"Keep smiling." He said as he turned around to leave.

"So you love me right?" He asked.

"We'll see." I said as he gave me a warm smile before leaving.

Was I dreaming? What is this man up to? I mean I knew he was the best guy any girl could get cause in his interviews, I could see the honesty in his voice but something in me told me it was wrong to fall for someone every girl wanted.

"He wanted me." My mind said.

"Let's see...I'll let me fade take care of everything but I was worried about Dhruv. I didn't want him to get in trouble cause of me.

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