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A few notes:

Thank you for all your patience guys when it came to this fanfic.

Second, if the name is in bold followed by words then that means it is as if it is a talking head

This is my version of season 7 of TNS. Some factual things have changed. Do know that this whole story is fiction and may include aspects of things that happened on the show but ultimately this fanfic is made up.

With the previous being said, in my story, Noah and Jacquie never left. Also, some couples/ships may have never happened in the show but are present in my story. Ex. Michemily

I will try my very best to post every Tuesday and Friday but you know sometimes my mental health gets in the way. There is also a possibility I could post more frequently than that but it all depends on how I am feeling

My instagram TNS fanpage is @tns.deluxe

Thank you for all the support guys and I hope you enjoy :)

Intro Dance with Richelle, Jacquie, Noah, Finn, Kenzie, Piper, Summer, Henry, Ozzy, Kingston

Richelle: We're fresh off winning regionals and finally heading back to the studio. Emily and Michelle gave us a week off, but now we have to get ready for nationals. I feel good about our chances of winning.

Noah: I decided that I needed one more season with the team. I've been to regionals and internationals, but never nationals. Plus my heart wasn't ready to leave Jacquie behind

Jacquie: When Noah decided to stick around, we had a long talk and ultimately got back together. I've never been happier to be doing what I love, with my love. And of course Richelle.

Summer: The road to regionals was a bumpy one. I just hope it is smoother on our way to Nationals

Piper: Regionals was a rocky time for me but it helped me grow so much as a dancer. I have my whole team to thank, and Michelle and Emily for believing in me. The Next Step is truly my family.

Henry: Regionals were insane. Definitely, hands down, one of the best dance experiences I have ever had. Can't wait to get back out there at Nationals.

Kingston: I went from a basement dancer to a member on a regionals winning team. The sky's the limit and I am ready for what is to come

Ozzy: Part of me always knew we would win. I'm just psychic like that

Kenzie: One word to describe Regionals.... AMAZING. Our team persevered and we came out on top. Now it is time to get back to the grind

Finn: Nationals here we come, baby


"I hope everybody enjoyed their week off, but it is officially time to start preparing for nationals. They're going to be long nights, little to no breaks, and tears cried. Pain is the game and if you are not ready to take that journey then this is your time to bow out," Emily says to A-Troupe.

"Emily, why are you trying to scare them?" Michelle asks

Michelle: As I was leaving to board the plane for auditions, I knew I wasn't ready to leave the love of my life behind. Oh and also Emily... but don't tell her I said I love The Next Step more than her. I need a place to live.

"Yes there will be long nights, but as former dancers, we also know the importance of taking care of your personal well being. We will together find that perfect balance for everyone," Michelle says as she glances over toward Emily. Emily gives her a forced smile back.

"Thank you Michelle for that. I have a list of dances that we will be bringing to nationals and then we will have auditions for those spots in each routine. First, I want to welcome back Amy as our alternate," Emily announces to A-troupe. Amy comes running in and everybody from A troupe runs over to hug her, "Now that you guys have had your little reunion, these are the dances for nationals. Absolute Dance has added more categories than from previous competitions. There will be a female soloist, male soloist, duet, trio, two small groups, semi-finals routine, and finals routine. I will be posting the sign-up sheet on the board and those auditions for a spot will go up in an hour. Please write your name down for all the dances you want to be considered for besides the ten-person dances. We will pair up duets, trios, and small groups and give you choreo to perform for us and make our decision based on that. We will begin in an hour with solo auditions and then form the groups and you will learn the choreo for the other routines. So warm-up, stretch, do whatever you need, and be prepared to dance."

"Are there any questions?" Michelle asks. A few hands go up, but Emily quickly interjects.

"No...good okay then." Michelle gives a glance towards Emily and then goes over to answer questions while Emily walks back to the office.

A-Troupe heads over in the line to write their names down.

"I really want the solo, but I feel like it will just turn Richelle and Jacquie back to their old ways," Summer tells Kenzie.

"Go for it girl," Kenzie tells her as they walk forward in the line.

Ozzy proceeds to walk over to Richelle.

Ozzy: I know Richelle will probably shoot me down but might as well take my chance. The names Richelle and Ozzy go perfect with the word duet.


"No, Ozzy."

"You don't know what I was even going to say."

"Let me guess, want to do a duet together?"

"Well, you asked, sooo."

"You do know that Emily and Michelle are going to pick the pairings and groups based on our auditions. We don't have to put a duet together."

"Yeah.... I totally knew that" Ozzy says as he walks away backward, smirking. The rest of A troupe continues to write their names down on the sign-up sheet and then head off to stretch.  

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