Part 12

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Emily and Michelle walk in to see the chandelier on the floor.

"How in the world?" Emily says as she walks around to examine it.

"Are you guys okay?" Michelle asks the dancers.

"Yeah. No one is hurt," Noah says.

"How on earth did this happen?" Emily asks.

"We don't know. We were rehearsing our dance and saw it swinging a lot and then it just fell.

"Who was the last to clean it?"

"You were Emily," Michelle says softly, with her back turned away from the dancers.

"Oh yeah, you're right," Emily says back quietly.

EMILY: No comment

"Anyway.... How is the dance coming along?" Emily asks to quickly change the subject.

"Pretty good actually. We've been working in groups. We are going to put them together soon," Noah says.

"Let's head over to studio one to see what you guys got, but first take a ten minute break. Emily and I are going to call someone to see about this chandelier" Michelle says as she looks over to Emily. Emily stands there with her head down.

Ten minutes later, in studio one, the dancers perform for Michelle and Emily.

"Overall, it's good so far. I think you guys are missing something though," Michelle says.

"Also some things are going to be tweaked so that transitions will flow throughout. So figure that out and then just rehearse, rehearse, rehearse the dance until it is clean enough. I agree with Michelle that something is missing. Any suggestions?" Emily asks.

"Maybe a prop on both sides that serves as the home base for both sides," Summer suggests.

"I don't hate it," Emily says, "But I also think that the actual dancing needs something more.

"Yeah. There needs to be a section in the dance that is the big wow factor. I see that you are trying to do that through the partnerwork, so maybe the partnerwork needs something. Or something right after the partnerwork," Michelle says.

"What about right after the partnerwork, there is a fight scene between both sides. A lot of back and forth," Kingston says.

"That sounds really cool," Finn says.

"Yeah I like that idea a lot," Henry says.

"What do the rest of you guys think?" Michelle asks. A-troupe chimes in agreeance, "Good work Kingston."

KINGSTON: It feels good to contribute in some sort of way. All I want to do is help the team win.

"Well we leave you guys to it," Emily says. Emily and Michelle head back to tend to the chandelier problem.

"Kingston, I want you to help choreograph something with me for the fight scene," Noah says.

"Really?" Kingston asks.

"Yeah bud. It was your idea after all."

"Thanks man," Kingston says as Noah and him dap it up.

"The rest of you guys work on the beginning of the dance since we know that it is set and then we will fix the ending so that the fight scene flows into it. I am leaving Piper in charge of you guys if there are any problems," Noah says.

NOAH: Why'd I pick Piper? Well if I picked Jacquie, I would never hear the end of it from Richelle and if I picked Richelle, Jacquie would never let me hear the end of it. So... what do I do? Pick neither of them

The dancers work on the routine for the next few hours, putting everything together, and rehearsing it several times so that it is clean. By the end of the day, they're exhausted.

"Great job today guys. I know it was a long and tiring day but I know we can do anything we put our minds to. It will all be worth it when they announce our name as the winner of Absolute Dance: Nationals. Go home, get some rest, and a reminder that this Saturday is the slumber party." Noah says. The dancers exit off the floor and retrieve their stuff to go home. Richelle walks over to Noah to ask him a question.

"Is there any way to get out of this slumber party?" Richelle asks.

"No Richelle, only if you have a family emergency."

"My dog stuck at home, without me, is a family emergency," Richelle says as Noah gives her a look.

RICHELLE: My baby needs me!

"I'll see you on Saturday, in your pajamas, promptly at 5pm," Noah says as he walks away to leave to go home. 

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