Part 15

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Monday morning comes, and the dancers work separately on their other dances. Piper rehearses her solo choreographed by Riley and then works on the duet with Finn. Summer, Richlle, and Jacquie work on their trio. Around 12 pm A-Troupe reconvenes to work on the group dance.

"The plans for the rest of the afternoon are to first, rehearse the semi-finals routine a few times, second get started on the finals routine and finish, and then lastly rehearse the solo, duet, and trio in front of everybody. Did I miss anything Michelle?" Emily asks.

"Nope sounds good," Michelle says as A-Troupe gets into their positions to rehearse the semifinals routine. Michelle and Emily yell out corrections. Halfway Emily tells the group to stop.

"Guys. We can't be doing this. Nationals is right around the corner. We need to have these dances down. Now girls, is your turning section pirouettes or fouettes? Because two of you are doing a pirouette, two of you a fouette, and one of you I am not even sure what you are doing?" Emily says to the group. The dancers stand there silently, " Is anyone going to answer?" Emily says as she folds her arms across her body.

"It's a pirouette," Summer answers.


"I thought it was a fouette," Jacquie says.

"It is definitely a pirouette," Richelle chimes in.

"Well we need to decide what it officially is because we can't have this on stage during the routine. Noah what did you guys choreograph it as?"

"It's a pirouette," Noah says.

"Okay good. Kenzie, Piper, Jacquie pirouette! Okay, now let's start the dance over again. We are going to have to move on eventually." A-Troupe does it a few more times, "Okay let's move on to the final routines. Let's take a few minutes to brainstorm together. Shout out any if something crosses your mind."

"How about Romeo and Juliet?" Ozzy says as he looks over at Richelle.

MICHELLE: I am sorry, but there can only be one Romeo and Juliet routine and that is our regionals winning routine. Sorry kids

"No," Michelle says.

"Yeah no," Emily says, agreeing with her, " For obvious reasons."

"How about a princess and prince theme?" Richelle suggests.

KINGSTON: Richelle would totally say something like that

"Maybe, but let's hear more suggestions first," Michelle says.

"What about a seasons dance? " Kenzie says.

"I definitely saw a team do something like that at regionals," Jacquie replies.

"Yeah, Jacquie is right," Emily says.

"Now this might sound like a lot, but hear me out. What if we do a story of a boy or girl with their grandparent and they are taken back through this past century and they learn about popular dances during that time period. They eventually end up back to the current time and the kid and grandparent reunite in a dance. It would probably involve a few costume changes so it might be too much to do but I thought I would throw my idea out there," Summer says. A-Troupe thinks over what Summer says and nods their heads slightly up and down to show they like that idea.

NOAH: I like Summer's idea a lot.

"Before I ask for the vote on whether or not we should do this dance, I want to go over it. This is going to take a lot of time, patience, and work to pull this all together. It will probably take us at least a week to get it together. There may be a few long nights. Are you guys willing and able to put in the work?" Emily asks the group.One by one they all say yes, "Good. I'll leave you guys to start choreographing and to find a song. I want to see at least a minute of the dance done, before we get ready to head home," Emily says. The dancers turn to talk amongst each other.

"So I think we need to decide first who will be the kid and who will be the grandparent," Noah says to the group.

"I was actually imagining you Noah as the kid, and Ozzy as the grandpa," Summer says, "Also maybe there can be a grandma who is in every sequence but isn't really there. It's in the grandpa's imagination."

"That sounds really cool," Noah faces his attention to the group. "Any objections or would anyone like to try out for those two roles? I want it to be fair for everybody."

"Nah man, you would fit the role of the kid perfectly," Henry tells Noah.

"Anybody else has something to say? Put all your feelings on the table now because we have no room for drama and hurt feelings down the line."

KINGSTON: I would like the role, as the kid, but Noah is such a better dancer then I am. He is our best chance at winning Nationals and I can't be the reason the team might lose.

A-Troupe stays silent and Noah takes that as a sign of approval.

"So now... who will the wife be? Anybody nominate someone?" Noah asks.

OZZY: It should obviously be Richelle. It is only right we dance with each other. We have perfect dance chemistry.

"I nominate Richelle," Ozzy says to the group. Richelle puts her head down, and her hands on her hips acting like she didn't hear what Ozzy said. She stares at her feet tapping on the ground.

"Did you hear that Richelle?" Noah asks.

"Sorry what?" Richelle asks playing it off like she is clueless on what is happening.

"Ozzy has nominated you. Do you accept this nomination?"

RICHELLE: Am I going to turn down an opportunity to play an integral part in this dance? No, I am not. Even if that means dancing with Ozzy

"I accept the nomination," Richelle says. Ozzy cheers to himself and Richelle glances over with a look telling him to stop.

"Well any other nominations?"

"I nominate Amy," Henry says.

"What are you doing?" Amy whispers to Henry.

"Nominating you," Henry whispers back.

"Yeah, um no. I'm the alternate. I am not going to take that away from somebody," Amy tells the group. The room fills with awkward silence. The dancers look around at each other trying to figure out who is going to speak first.

"Well... umm... are there any other nominations?"

"I nominate Summer," Kenzie says.

"Summer?" Noah says.

"Yeah sure."

"Well it looks like we will have a small competition between Summer and Richelle to see who it will be. We're just going to do freestyle. We don't have time for much more. I am going to put your names into this website that will auto pick who goes first. Noah enters the name and hits the generate button, "It looks like Richelle will go first."

"That's fine by me," Richelle says as she goes over to her bag to get her foot undeez out. She takes her hair out her ponytail and flips it to the side. A-Troupe clears out the middle and Richelle dances for one minute.

"Thank you Richelle, Summer you're up," Noah says. Summer dances for the next minute, intriguing all the dancers.

"Thank you both for that. A-Troupe will write their votes on a piece of paper and place it in this hat and then I will announce the winner. Amy, you're gonna vote too because we need an odd number of votes," Noah syas.

KENZIE: Summer was amazing. Who knew she could tell a story with her dancing from only freestyling?

OZZY: The world needs Richozzy so I am voting for Richelle.

FINN: We're they both amazing? Yes but we have to choose one.

One by one, A-Troupe heads over to the hat, to write and place their answers in.

"Now that we are all done voting, I will tally them up," Noah reaches his hand for the first piece of paper, "Richelle," he places the paper down on the side. Noah reads out five more Richelle's and five Summer's getting down to the last piece of paper, " and the winner is......" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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