Part 7

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Before the Chapter: I am so sorry for the lack of updating. I didn't have access to a computer for about two weeks but I finally got mine back. I wanted to quickly publish something so this part is kind of short, but I am going to spend the next few hours writing so that I will have material to publish. Thanks for the support and for being patient. 

Majority of A-Troupe head down to get juices.

Meanwhile, in the office Emily and Michelle are discussing the trios.

"I think you know who my picks are," Emily says.

"Yeah I think I know, but we have to make this decision together," Michelle says

"Well do you agree with me?"

"Well yeah I do."

"Well then it's settled. See Michelle, that wasn't that hard." Michelle rolls her eyes and Emily stands up to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Am I interrupting something?" Eldon says as he walks into the office.

"Yeah... kind of Eldon," Emily says.

"Well I guess i'll just leave then," Eldon says as he turns around and heads towards the door.

"Eldon.. Come back here. The dancers will be back soon and I want to run over it one more time together," Michelle says.

"Would you like to join us Emily?" Eldon asks.

"No thanks, i'll just work on this paperwork."

Michelle and Eldon head to the middle of the floor and do the routine together.

"That was great Eldon," Michelle says, out of breath, and then gives him a high five.

"Yeah... it's been pretty fun." Eldon says.

Twenty minutes later, A-troupe makes their way back to the studio. Emily walks out of the office and onto the floor.

"As you can see Eldon is here with us," Emily says. Off to the side, Eldon is sitting there meditating, "Well i'm not sure if he is really here with us but I do know that he should get up off the floor soon so that he can teach this choreo," Emily says through her teeth. Michelle goes over to tap Eldon on the shoulders and he jumps up.

"Oh sorry guys, I've been taking these new meditation classes with Thalia and they really get me into the zone," Eldon says. A-troupe lets out a few chuckles.

"Anyway. Michelle and Eldon choreographed this dance together and will show it to you guys. Amy, I've decided to let you audition for the small groups. You are still the alternate for the ten person dances. " Emily says. Amy jumps up excitedly from her seat and takes a spot next to Piper. They give each other a side hug. Michelle and Eldon proceed to teach the choreo to A-Troupe.

"We're going to give you 15 minutes to work on it by yourselves. Can't wait to see what you guys do," Michelle says. Everybody glances over to Eldon where he seems to be off in his own world again. Michelle makes a coughing noise to try to get his attention.

"What'd I miss?" Eldon asks.

"Would you like to say anything?"

"Um.. yeah. If y'all have any questions just ask?" Michelle and Eldon step to the side.

Emily sits in the office filling out paperwork and Thalia walks in.

"I'm so excited for our double date tonight," Thalia says to Emily. Emily is caught off guard but comes up with a response quickly. She looks up at Thalia and gives her a huge smile.

"I can't wait," Emily says through her teeth, "Will you excuse me for a quick second Thalia," Emily gets up and heads out the office, "Hey Michelle... Can I talk to you for a quick second?"

"Yeah sure," Michelle says. They both walk over to the far left corner to talk privately.

"Did you tell Thalia and Eldon that we would go on a double date with them?"

"Um yeah.. I asked you last week and you said yes."

"Was this before or after I had my morning coffee?"

"Em... it'll be fun"

"Your version and my version of fun are two totally different things."

"Do it for me," Michelle says as she gives Emily puppy eyes.

"Okay fine... but don't blame me when Eldon says something weird."

"He always says weird things. Aren't you used to that by now?"

"No, not really." They both laugh a little and then Michelle heads back over to the group.

A-troupe rehearses for another ten minutes and then performs the dance for Emily, Michelle, and Eldon.

"Thank you everybody for a great two days of auditions. Our final decisions will be made tomorrow so go home and get some rest, and be ready to give it all you got tomorrow. I will see everybody sharply at 8am." Emily says as she turns and heads back towards the office.

NOAH: These were definitely an intense two days but the grind has just begun. I am really excited about this team we have.

RICHELLE: Hopefully Emily and Michelle truly saw me for the dancer I am. I hope I am picked to be featured instead of having to ask for a chance to be considered. 

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