Part 13

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Before you read, I wanted to say a few things. I don't want to drag this story on forever so things may start to pick up fast. I want to try to write no more than 25 parts. Also, I am going to try to make the parts longer (like this part), which means that the posting may be spaced out more so that I can actually write enough. The best days for me to write are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. The next post will more than likely be Monday 9/21/20. Enjoy guys :)

The next few days go by as A-Troupe rehearses their routines. Piper finishes her solo, while Michelle gets the small group acro routine choreographed. When Saturday comes, they have three dances complete. Michelle and Emily arrive at the studio an hour early to set A-troupe up for their slumber party.

    "Remember when we had that party here at TNS and we watched Touchdowns and Tutus, and played pranks," Emily says as she lays the tablecloth down

"Yeah you hated me that regional season," Michelle says as she laughs.

"I did not, we were civil at that point."

"Sure. I'm just glad you like me now," Michelle says as she gives Emily a quick kiss on her forehead.

"Although you did take my boyfriend..." Emily says. Before she can continue Michelle cuts her off.

"So where are those snacks for dancers. Did you leave them in the car? Are they in the closet?"

"Mhmmm. They're in the closet." Michelle hurries out the room, turning back to give Emily a smile. Emily smiles back and then laughs to herself. She goes and gets the rolling cart with the TV and sets it up. She places the movie options below the tv, on the cart. Michelle comes back with the snacks and drinks and they finish setting up. They take a step back and look around.

"I think we did a pretty good job if I do say so myself," Michelle says. Emily gives her a side hug and is caught off balance. Michelle stops her from falling, "I'm so happy to be doing this with you."

"You mean that?" Emily asks looking into Michelle's eyes.

"Of course. There is no place I'd rather be. I'll go wherever as long as you are by my side." They share another hug and a quick kiss.

About fifteen minutes later, a few of the dancers start heading in, laying out their sleeping bags on the mats.

PIPER: This is going to be a good time. We get to bond together as a team, and it will make us stronger than ever.

KENZIE: I am so excited to hang out with my friends in the place we love.

More dancers come in, and set up their things. Noah heads to the front of the room and looks around to see if everybody is here.

    "Where's Richelle?" Noah asks. The dancers look around at each other, "Has anybody heard from her?"

    "I'm sure she is on her way. You know Richelle," Jacquie says.

    "Well, will wait ten more minutes for her before we start tonight's events and plans," Noah says. A-troupe talks amongst each other and right before it hits the ten minute mark, Richelle walks in, rolling two suitcases, and carrying two bags on her shoulders.

    "I didn't know you were moving in Richelle," Kenzie says.

    "Ha ha ha. Very funny Kenzie," Richelle says as she gives a glance at Kenzie, and then proceeds to drop her bags on the floor.

RICHELLE: I need all this stuff I brought with me! I'll have you know that the dance floor is very hard and a mat just won't cut it for me to sleep on. I need to recreate my sleeping situation as best as possible.

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