Part 14

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When A-Troupe gets back upstairs they see Emily and Michelle standing in front of the TV.

"In true A-troupe tradition, we are going to have a dance competition to see who will pick tonight's movie. Boys vs. girls. One boy and one girl will represent the team and face off against each other. I already picked the names, at random, Michelle can verify that. So representing team boys will be Finn, and representing team girls will be Kenzie. I am going to flip this coin, to see who goes first. Whatever it lands on, that person will go second. Kenzie it's your call," Emily says as she tosses the coin up.

FINN: This is so exciting. Glad to represent team boys and get that dub

'Heads," Kenzie says. A-troupe watches as the coin falls to the ground. Emily bends down to look and see.

"It's tails. Kenzie, it looks like you're going first," The girls let out a sigh while the boys cheer and give each other high fives.

RICHELLE: When doing any dance competition, I always say it is better to go last. It leaves a lasting impression on who is judging. They'll remember your performance the best.

Kenzie performs her freestyle for Emily and Michelle.

"Thanks Kenzie," Michelle says. Kenzie walks back to the side and is given reassurance by Summer. Finn goes to perform his freestyle and pulls out all the tricks, wowing everybody who is watching. Towards the end of his freestyle he points at Piper and gives her a wink. Piper turns away in embarrassment.

PIPER: Why is someone so cute and nice, so embarrassing at the same time? I guess that is why I love him though.

"Thank you Finn," Emily says, "I think we have a clear winner. Michelle do you agree?"

"Yeah. We're going to have to give this one to Finn." The boys jump up and down and high five each other.

OZZY: Thankfully we don't have to watch a rom-com.

"Finn, what movie would you like to watch?" Emily asks

"I think I am going to let Piper choose the movie," Finn says.

KINGSTON: Bro, what is Finn thinking?

HENRY: Bro's first. It's in the bro code

Piper stands there, smiling, shaking her head, and staring at Finn. Finn gives a curtsy towards Piper. Piper laughs, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Well what will it be Piper?" Michelle asks.

"How about Touchdowns and Tutus?" Piper says. Emily lets out a loud yes and everybody looks at her.

"Sorry guys. That was totally not me," Emily says trying to play it off. Michelle laughs at her.

RICHELLE: Emily's reaction is valid. Touchdowns and Tutus is such a good movie.

EMILY: I feel like I am back in A-troupe, when James let Riley choose the movie. The nostalgia just gets to me easily. Okay.

HENRY: To be honest, I probably would have let Amy choose the movie also, so I can't fault Finn too much. But I can't say I will enjoy watching this movie.

"Well, the pizza should be here shortly and then you guys can get started on your movie. In the meantime, just hang around," Michelle says. About ten minutes later, the pizza arrives, and A-troupe watches the movie, pointing out different things that are happening and that are cute. When the movie is over, everybody says no in disappointment.

KINGSTON: That was so good, I am so emotional. Don't look at me okay.

OZZY: It gets an A+ from Ozzy Movie Reviews

The dancers clean up their garbage and head back over to the middle of the floor.

"Who's ready for the next activity?" Noah asks.

"Is it bedtime yet?" Richelle asks.

"It's only 8:30pm Richelle. Anyway... we are going to get to know eachother better. You will be paired up and each person will present what they learned about the other to the group. It has to be something we don't know."

"We're all on the same team. Don't we know each other already?" Jacquie says.

"There is a lot you don't know about a person," Noah says back to her.

RICHELLE: This seems kind of juvenile.

A-troupe spends the next hour and a half learning about each other and presenting it to the group. Afterwards, the conversation continues on until they all pass out around 1 am.

Around 10 am, Emily comes into the studio.

"Time to wake up everybody. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. The guy is coming to put the chandelier backup and to clean the studio," Emily says loudly going around to nudge everybody up. A few of the dancers let out groans, eventually getting up and packing their things, "I will see everybody at 8 am sharp, Monday morning. We have lots of work to do."

SUMMER: Last night was a lot of fun. I am glad we got to spend that time together.

NOAH: I would call this A-troupe slumber party a success.

"I kind of don't want this fun to end. Anybody want to go grab breakfast together?" Kingston asks. All of A-troupe agrees and they head out to the local diner.     

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