Part 11

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"Noah, can you come here please?" Emily asks from her office. Noah makes his way over, "We are putting a lot of trust in you to help with these group dances as you are the dance captain. Here is an iPod with the song we have chosen. Take some time to listen to it and tell us what you think about it and any ideas you have. We trust you and the rest of A-troupe to choreograph the routine."

"I won't let you down," Noah tells Emily.

Emily hands the iPod over to Noah and he heads to sit on the bench to listen to it. Michelle walks into the office with two juices.

"Here you go my lady," Michelle says as she hands the juice to Emily.

"Thanks, Mich. I am just finalizing rehearsal times for each of the dances. I was thinking we alternate days of small group rehearsals because some of the dancers are in both."

"Yeah that makes sense."

The rest of A-troupe reconvenes to get ready to start the routine.

"Emily and Michelle have trusted us with creative control on the dance. As you know we are doing a hip hop routine for the semifinals. I'm going to let you guys listen to the music and brainstorm a few ideas to share with us," Noah tells the dancers. They listen to the song a few times. The dancers float their ideas around not hearing one they like particularly.

"What about a heroes and villains theme?" Ozzy says.

"No Ozzy," Richelle says.

"You know what... I kind of like that idea," Noah says, "What do you guys think?"

"That sounds like a lot of fun," Kenzie says.

"It'd be so cool. We could do some awesome partnerwork to show the battle between the two. If you guys want," Kingston says.

"I like that a lot Kingston," Noah says, "We have to figure out which of us will be villains and who will be the heroes. I think since Henry is getting a featured part of the routine he should be the main protagonist."

"That sounds dope," Henry says to the group.

HENRY: I was feeling kind of down on myself at first but I like how this dance is coming along and that I will be featured

"To not cause any drama or problems will pick out who will be the heroes and who will be the villains from a hat. And whatever you get is what you get."

RICHELLE: Would most people cast me as the villain type? Probably but I want to venture out from that typical role. I've changed a lot.

Noah places the names in the hat and swishes it around.

"First up will be heroes. Since Henry is already one of them, there are four more slots," Noah rustles the papers around and picks out four automatically, "The four other people will be Piper, Summer, Me, and Richelle."

JACQUIE: How in the world is Richelle a hero over me? If anything I'm more of a hero. She is the definition of a villain.

KENZIE: Richelle... a hero??? That is hilarious.

Some of A-Troupe look over at Richelle. Richelle stands there with her head down, staring at her foot that she is sliding back and forth against the floor. Noah tries to break the tension in the room.

"So... that means the villains will be Kenzie, Jacquie, Finn, Ozzy , and Kingston. The partners will be Kenzie and Henry, Kingston and Summer, Ozzy and Piper, Finn and Richelle, and Jacquie and I. And no, you may not switch. I have an idea for a section in the dance where these pairings make the most sense."

SUMMER: I'm kind of excited to dance with Kingston but at the same time he isn't featured in any dances. Do Emily and Michelle think he is the weakest amongst us? But I've danced with him before, I know how great he is.

PIPER: I love dancing with Finn but if this is what Noah thinks is best then I can't argue with that.

FINN: Am I disappointed that Piper and I are not partners in this dance? A little bit but we have the duet together that will be fire.

"We are going to split off in three groups to choreograph separate parts of the dance. We will share them with each other and make adjustments and tweak it as needed. My group will work on the partnerwork section which will be Finn, Richelle, and Jacquie. Henry, Piper, and Kingston in another group. The last group is Ozzy, Summer, and Kenzie. Get to work everybody," Noah says.

The groups split off each working on choreography.

"I'm impressed with how Noah is handling all of this," Emily says to Michelle.

"Emily, he is Noah afterall."

"I mean he has definitely grown and improved even more from last year which I didn't think was possible."

"Noah is such an asset at The Next Step."

"Agreed. So how has the candidate search gone for someone to be in charge of B-Troupe?

"I thought we agreed we would do it."

"Em, we don't have enough time to work on nationals with A-Troupe and still tend to the needs of B-Troupe. Plus, still have time for our personal lives."

"I know, but everybody I have interviewed is not the right fit."

"Did you give them a chance?"

"Yes, I actually did. I wish someone from when we were on A-Troupe would take us up on our offer."

"They're out touring and doing things on their own to advance their dance careers."

"Like you should be doing."

"I want to be here with you. It was my decision to stay. Next year awaits me."

"You're too good to me,"Emily says as she kisses Michelle's forehead. Michelle smiles up at her.

Emily and Michelle's intimate moment is short lived as they hear a loud sound coming from studio A.

"What is that?" Michelle asks Emily as they both get up to make there way to the dancers. 

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