chapter three: maths class is painful

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two weeks later

i yawn as my maths teacher explains polynomials to the class for the hundredth time. why did they give me algebra 2 first thing in the morning? i check my phone under the table to see a text from rodrick. we've been texting back and forth ever since i gave him my number, but haven't had a chance to hang out.

rodrick: rise cafe after school? i'll buy.

i think to myself if skipping tonight's homework is worth it. my failing grade in math says it's probably not.

to rodrick: i can't. homework :( im failing algebra

i look up from my phone so that the teacher doesn't catch me and pretend to take notes for another five minutes when my thigh vibrates.

rodrick: how about you do it at the cafe? study session :D

i smile to myself.

to rodrick: admire the perseverance but i can't. you'll distract me lol

he responds immediately.

rodrick: what's that supposed to mean ;)

i roll my eyes and turn off my phone, going back to my "notes." it would be fun to hang out, but i genuinely can't do work when there's people around me. maybe if i catch up on homework tonight, we can hang out tomorrow. he'll be okay with that, right? i don't want him to feel like im avoiding him. my thigh vibrates again.

rodrick: come onnnnnn. i need my jacket back anyways.


to rodrick: fine. but im getting all my homework done and you don't get to talk until im finished

rodrick: sounds good 2 me :) see u then

"miss evans, im up here" the teacher says sternly. i look up.

"sorry mr. brown" i apologize and slide my phone under my thigh. he continues with his lecture. no wonder i have an F in his class. i can't pay attention for the life of me.

when the bell rings, mr. brown stops me on my way out.

"tate, i've noticed that your grades are suffering, especially in my class." he says, concerned. "you're too smart to retake this class. something has to change"

"you're absolutely right sir. im trying to get my grades up, i plan on doing my missing homework tonight." i answer sweetly, although i know im going to be late to my next class.

"as much as that may help, it's not going to keep you from failing" he grimaces at me. "im going to have to assign you a tutor or you'll have to retake this course next year"

a.. a tutor? normally IM the tutor. dang, i guess i've been really lazy in this class, huh.

"who?" i ask, my shock showing a bit in my tone.

"eric richards" he responds. my heart drops into my ass. "he's a year above you and did very well in my class"

so now i have to be tutored? by my ex? who is significantly more immature than me? did he like request this? my head spins. how long is this going to go on for? i can't bear being around him for more than ten minutes, let alone a whole tutoring session.

"w-when do we start?" i question nervously.

"well i was hoping this friday? you guys could meet once a week until you're at a B average. then you're free." he can tell that i don't look very happy about this and looks pained telling me this information.

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