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Just when Chip Delacroix believed he was free, he is later reeled back into some crazy-ass scheme that would have him almost killed yet again. It seems he could never catch a break.

He planned to flee and start over. He had the money, all he needed to was to keep his mind away from women since they pretty much were the root of all his suffering over the past week. Independence was key.

He didn't exactly know where he was headed but he was more than ready to get the hell out of dodge for good. He felt free just by crossing the state line, knowing nothing wrong could happen now. Or so he thought.

After driving for days, he decided he could get comfortable for a couple of days, knowing now he was safe. It was peaceful, with no guns or murder or crazy white trailer people. He started off each day with breakfast, at his favorite diner. Then he would take a walk at the park, loving the quietness of this town. Most of his days were like this, and he wouldn't change a thing.

He knew to avoid being out at night, knowing that closer downtown, there was lots of activity with gangs and prostitutes. But he stayed out longer than he hoped and now he was stuck, racing home to his motel room. He was stuck going straight through the dark downtown main road to make it home. As he pulled into the corner, which would take him down the street to where his motel is, he noticed something. A girl screaming at a man outside of a club. By the way, she was dressed it was clear to him that she was a prostitute or stripper. He was ready to leave it alone but then the man punched her in the face. He grabs the gun from his seat and places it on his belt, prepared to use it as he gets out of the car. "Hey!" He yells, running over to him. "That'll teach you not to mess with me bitch!" The man yells and Chip goes over to aide the girl. She was bleeding a lot from her nose but she didn't seem to care. "Is that all you got, Puto?" She says spitting blood at his face  He tries to charge at her but Chip pulls his gun out at him. Both of them were surprised, the guy now backing away from him.  "If you touch her again I will blow your fucking brains out!" Chip yells and the guy looks at her, "You show up around here again, and you're dead" the man warns. "She won't," Chip says walking away, holding the girl's arm as they walk back to the car. The ride was silent, and we make it to the motel in less than 5 minutes. We walk in and she begins removing her dress. "Woah, Woah what are you doing?" Chip asks, surprised that she would think he wanted sex. "Isn't this why you brought me here?" She asks and he shakes his head, "You needed help" he says and she was taken aback by this. He was the first guy to ever deny her of returning the favor. "Alright well, if that's it then I'm off," she says going over to the door. "Wait, no you're not going back out there. You heard him if he sees you you're dead. You're staying here at least for tonight" This makes her chuckle, "Wow, you are a rare gem" she says shaking her head at him. He ignores her, looking into his bag for an old t-shirt and boxers for her to wear. "Thanks," she says, beginning to remove her dress. "Seriously, the bathroom is not even 10 feet away," he says exasperated by her need to get nude in front of him. "Don't flatter yourself. I'm tired man, it's quicker to just get dressed here and go to bed" she says and he sighs, turning around so she can get dressed. By the time he turned around she was already fast asleep. He sighs, both tired and angry at himself for bringing a prostitute to his motel. But it'll all be over soon. Hopefully.

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