Part 1- Moving

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Eleanor's P.O.V
"Eleanor, wake up! Your going Omaha in 6 hours." Hayes was trying to get me awake by shouting in my ear.
"Shit! By the way, next time don't shout in my ear because I was going to become death" I yelled then whispered. Hayes walked out of the room and I locked the door so no one could come in. I checked the time on my phone and it said:
10:00 Thursday 4th , December
I got out of bed and plugged my phone in the charge. I got in the shower and started to sing. When I finished I put some deodorant on and wore my underwear. I looked at myself at the mirror and said to myself.
"I wonder if they will like me there?" I was moving to Omaha because I was kind of bad at school and Nash knew there were spaces at his friends school so I was moving there and I needed a bit of space for my work. I got dressed in a grey jumper, black leggings and put on some grey vans. Then I straightened my dirty brown hair and put a black bandanna on. I sprayed some perfume and I took a selfie and posted it on Instagram. I walked out of the bathroom dragged my suitcase down the stairs. I placed it in my car and headed back into the house. I walked to the kitchen and found mom. I kissed mom on the cheek and said good morning. Then I ran to Nash's room and I walked in while he was making a vine. I hugged him even though he was still videoing. He hugged me back and kissed my cheek.
"So what's up?" I asked.
"Nothing really, just thinking how much I'm going to miss your bad actions!" He said a bit sad.
"Oh shut up! I'm not bad and you live in L.A with Cam and I'll come and visit!" I said trying to cheer him up by rubbing his back in circles.
"I know but I will miss you!" He said putting his head on my shoulder.
"I will miss you too, baby brother" I said kissing him on the cheek.
"Hey, before I go want to play basketball?" He nodded and I quickly changed into my neon green sports shorts and neon green/black sports bra. I ran outside to the backyard and waited for Nash to come down. I went on my phone and checked if there was anything new and I got 1 new message from unknown number saying:
From unknown:
We hope you enjoy it here in Omaha.
Then Nash came out and I asked him who texted me and he said it was his friend Jack Gilinsky.
"Oh Eleanor, Cameron is coming over to stay and he asked if he can sleep in your room as you won't be here." He said a bit shy.
"Sure! Call him and tell him to come and play basket ball with us! I'm going to miss you guys!" I replied.
"He's already here! He's in my room that's why I was taking long" he replied a bit sad.
"Nash, what's wrong? Your acting a bit weird! Your not like you always are" I said putting my hand over his shoulder. He started tearing up.
"I'm going to miss you so much" he said crying into my shoulder.
"Me too!" I sighed and felt a tear go down my cheek.
"Ok, let's play!" I said wiping his tears. He nodded. Cameron and Hayes came to join the game. I was with Hayes and Nash was with Cameron. Cameron was like an older brother from another mother. After the game we added the scores and Hayes and me won 6-2.
"Wow, Eleanor I never knew you could win!" Hayes looked at me amazed and I flicked my hair and walked back to my room. I took a quick shower again and wore my outfit. I I put my phone in my black CHANNEL bag with my essentials like tissues, my phone charge, iPad, purse, notepad, laptop, camera and pen. Then I headed down to Skylyn's room and found her playing on her swing still in her pyjamas.
"Princess, what are you still doing in your pyjamas?" I said and she turned her head around and came to hug me.
"Elea, I'm going to miss you so much" she said, I smiled and kissed her cheek.
"I will too, but for now let's get you dressed missy!" I said I picked out a pink top with a white horse on it and white shorts to go with it. I gave her a pair of pink and white vans which looked adorable on her.
"Ok, let's go and have some lunch shall we?" I asked her.
"Of course Elsa!" She replied and ran down stairs in the kitchen where everyone sat for lunch. We ate our tacos in silence until dad broke the silence.
"So Eleanor, are you going to be bad there too?" He asked and Skylyn stared at me like 'what is he talking about' look.
"Shh... Dad, Skylyn is at the table!" I whispered to him.
"Oh sorry" he whispered back. I had one hour left until I had to leave so decided to play with Skylyn, do some pranks with Hayes and then make a Q & A video with Nash. So I started playing with Skylyn and she decided to play frozen. I was Elsa and she was Anna. We finished the game and Skylyn said:
"Elsa please don't forget me like you did in the movie. It gets a bit lonely just watching the hours tick by, tick tock tick tock. Please do not forget me." She sang and I started to cry. How could I leave the best thing in my life? She finished and I kissed her cheek and headed to Hayes' room.
"Hey, wanna play some pranks on the neighbours?" I asked.
"I'd love too!" He said running to hug me. I kissed his forehead and pulled some toilet paper from his bath room.
"Let's go trash the school slut's house" he smirked and I grinned. We headed out to the car. We got in and headed to the slut's house and we messed the outside of her house with toilet paper and went back home. I said I was going to hang out with Nash and Hayes smiled and said bye. I walked to Nash's room and knocked on his door.
"Come in!" He shouted. I entered and saw Cameron on the edge of Nash's bed looking at his phone while Nash was sitting on a bean bag next to his desk. I jumped on Cameron and sat on his lap.
"Hey Nash, I was hoping if we could do a Q & A video?" He looked at me and nodded. We set up the camera and that took 5 mins and we had half an hour left. I had already tweeted on twitter #AskNash&Eleanor. We started videoing.
"Hey guys, its me Eleanor and today I have a 2 special guests. First one is the best brother ever, please welcome Nash! Woohoo! ( sarcasm )... Second person is my best friend Cameron! Yay! Right let's get on with the video. So I tweeted the hash tag ask Nash and Eleanor and you replied with a lot of questions so first question is, What do you hate about each other? Well I don't personally like it when Nash takes my iPad for stupid things!" I said. Then he said:
"I don't like it when she wins everything!" He looked over at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Ok, next question what is the funniest memorable moment in your life? Well I remember when Nash was a sheep in a play and I was watching him and then I think he got too nervous and started shiting himself!" I said laughing and then he gave me a death glare.
"Shut up, I remember when Eleanor was playing soccer and this boy touched her by accident and she over reacted and the poor boy was sent to hospital!" He said and I returned a death glare. We carried on with some more questions before it was time to end it. I took the camera to my room and put it in my bag and I also put my Apple Mac into the bag so I could edit the video later in the ferry. Yes the ferry! I did not want to go on a plane due to a stupid air hostess. So I had ten minutes left before I had to leave. I had already put my suit case in the car I just needed to say my good byes. I quickly put my waterproof mascara because I knew I would cry and tied my hair into a pony tail and putting my black bandanna on better. I wore my black leather jacket and walked down to say good bye. I kissed mum and dad and hugged Skylyn while spinning her around then I kissed Hayes and hugged him tight. It was Nash's turn, before I could even hug him I started crying. My bond with Nash is unbreakable even though I'm 2 years older. I hugged him and kissed his cheek like one hundred times and did the same to Cameron. I still had 3 mins so I ran to my room and took one more whiff of it and looked at the picture of me on a horse when I was six, I am a horse rider. I have like 15 trophies from the club I went to, which was 'horse riding club'. I picked it up and looked at it and thought:
'If only we could go to the past, we would be 10 times better'

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