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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

Nya's POV

It has been a month since we got Jay and Lloyd back and they're finally getting released from the hospital!  The unfortunate part is that the doctor said that they will probably never fully recover from what happened.  Right now, I think that they are just happy to be heading back to the monastery for the first time in five years.

Britney and I arrived at the hospital to take them home.  The others are preparing the monastery to welcome them home.  I am so excited!  Me, Jay, and our kids can finally be a family again!

We went up to the desk.  "Hello, we're here to get Jay Walker and Lloyd Garmadon who are supposed to be getting released today," I told the woman at the desk.

"Ah yes," she said.  "They are in the room, ready to go.  Once you get them, head down to the pharmacy to receive some medicine to help them recover at home."

"Thank you."

We walked to Jay and Lloyd's room to find them smiling and ready to go.  "Hey guys," I said.  "You ready to go home."

"You know it!" Jay said with a huge smile.  They both looked very happy to be able to get out of the hospital and go home.

"Let's get out of here!" Lloyd exclaimed.

Britney and I smiled.  "Come on.  Everyone is waiting back at the monastery," Britney said.

We went over to the pharmacy to pick up the medication for Jay and Lloyd and headed out.  We went out to our car (everyone on the team started using cars when the others started having kids) and left.  I drove with Jay up front with me and Lloyd and Britney were in the back.

When we got back to the monastery, we saw a big sign that said, 'Welcome Home Jay and Lloyd' and everyone was waiting outside for us.

Justin and Alex ran up to me and Jay while Max ran up to Britney and Lloyd.  We walked inside and decided to have a relaxing rest of the day.  We had a movie marathon of "Starfarer" since it's Jay's as well as Lloyd's favorite movies.

During the movie Justin sat on one side of Jay while I sat on the other and Alex cuddled up to her father.  Max sat on one side of Lloyd and Britney sat on the other.  Cole and Seliel sat with their kids and the same went for Kai and Skylor as well as Zane and PIXAL.

By the time the movies ended, all the younger kids had been put to bed, leaving only Justin, Alex, and Max with all of us adults.  It was pretty obvious, though, that the remaining kids were tired and looked like they could fall asleep at any moment.

"I'll go take Justin and Alex to bed," I said to Jay.

"Do you need any help?" he asked.

"No.  I can handle this.  I don't want you doing too much."

Jay nodded as I stood up.

"I think I'll take Max to bed too," Britney told Lloyd.  Lloyd opened his mouth to speak, but Britney spoke before he could.  "And you stay here."

"Fine," Lloyd responded as he crossed his arms and pretended to be upset.  Britney just laughed and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before getting up.

We both went to the back to put the kids to bed while the others stayed out in the living room talking.

Cole's POV

Nya and Britney went to go put their kids to bed while the rest of us stayed in the living room.  We were catching Jay and Lloyd on everything they missed during the past five years.

After a little bit, Nya and Britney came back and sat next to their boyfriends.  Suddenly, I hear a message come through my phone and take it out to see what it's about.  Let's just say that I kind of wished I hadn't.

"Kai, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked.

"Sure," he responded worriedly.

Everyone stared at us confused and worried as we walked out of the room.  After we left the room, we made sure no one was listening.

"So, what's up?" Kai asked.

"What we did is starting to come back to bite us," I responded.

"Someone called in a favor, didn't they?"

"Yes...and it's really bad."

"How bad is really bad?"  There was fear in Kai's voice when he asked.

"Well, let's just say that the favor was called in by the worst crime boss in Ninjago.  He said he has a job that elemental masters would have the best chance in doing."

I'll be honest, I've never seen Kai this afraid of anything.  I could understand.  I'm afraid too.  This guy is very dangerous.  We had made a deal with him as well as a lot of other dangerous people in Ninjago while trying to find Jay and Lloyd.  This guy was definitely the most dangerous and if we don't do this 'favor', he'll go after our friends and family.

I put a hand on Kai's shoulder.  "Trust me," I started.  "I'm scared too, but we both know what will happen if we don't do this.  We just got Jay and Lloyd back and...I don't want to lose them again or lose anyone for that matter."

Kai nodded.

"We have to leave."

"What excuse are we going to use?" Kai finally asked.

"Someone called asking the ninja to check something out?"

"Sounds good."

We walked back to the living room and when we got there, all eyes were on us.

"Everything ok?" Seliel asked concerned.  Everyone looked at us with concern.

"Somebody called asking the ninja to check something out," I said.  "It's very minor, so we are going to check it out."

"Are you sure?" Skylor asked.  "You guys look a little shaken."

"It's nothing," Kai reassured her.  "We'll be back before you know it."

We both put on fake smiles and left.  We will probably be in a lot of danger, but we don't want to worry anyone.  We brought this on ourselves.  We saved Jay and Lloyd,  but it came at a price for us.  This is probably just one of many 'favors' we are going to be forced to do.  All I know is, we're going to need all the luck we can get.

A/N: What kind of trouble are Cole and Kai going to get into?  I hope you enjoyed!

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