Chapter 3

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I arrive to geometry class and I am figuring out where to sit. And then my geometry teacher walks up to me.

Mr. Forbes: You can sit wherever you want.

Rena: Okay thank you

I saw a group of girls at a table and I asked them if I can sit with them.

Rena: Hi! Can I sit here?

Gigi: Sure

Gigi: Whats your name?

Rena: Rena

Gigi: Nice, I'm Gigi, this is Cameron, and that's Vicky.

Rena: Its Nice to meet you all.

Gigi: Are you new here?

Rena: Yeah I moved here two weeks ago.

Cameron: Are you a senior?

Rena: No I'm a junior, I just look older than my age.

Vicky: You're 16 right?

Rena: Yeah

Vicky: Ohh

Gigi: Have you made any friends here yet?

Rena: Yeah, you probably know him, his name is Quinton Griggs.

Gigi: Yeah we know him, he's been in this school for a year.

Rena: Ohh are you friends with him?

Gigi: We're not friends with him but he is a nice guy.

Rena: Oh well when I found out that he goes here, I was so shocked and I was freaking out.

Gigi: WOW, you must be a huge fan of him

Rena: Yeah hahA

Gigi: Thats cool, um what's your schedule?

Rena: Here, I'll get it out of my backpack.

I take my schedule out of my bag and hand it to Gigi so she can look at it.

Gigi: Oh! We have chemistry together

Rena: Awesome! And Quintons in that class too.

Gigi: Cool!

Cameron: I don't think we have any classes together

Vicky: Yeah me either

Rena: Oh well at least we'll have lunch together

Gigi: Yeah

Rena: Can I be in your group?

Gigi: Of course!

Rena: Awesome! Now I made 4 friends today!

Mr. Forbes: Hello class, my name is Mr. Forbes and I am your geometry teacher...

My teacher was just talking about rules, supplies, and some other things for class and the bell rung.

Rena: Time for chemistry!

Gigi: Let's wall together

Rena: Okay

I was walking to chemistry with Gigi and we made it to the classroom and we walked in.

Mrs. Gorman: Hi guys! They're will be a name tag at your lab station and that will be your assigned seat.

Gigi's seat was right in front of the door.

Gigi: Here's my seat

Rena: Okay I will found mine.

I was walking to the back of the class and I found my name tag and then next to it was Quintons name

Rena: OMG I'm next to Quinton!!

Quinton was hiding under the table waiting for me to come and I didn't know he was there

Quinton: Yes we are

Rena: OMG you scared me. I didn't know you were already here.

Quinton: Here come sit.

I was looking across the room and Gigi was waving at me and I waved back

Quinton: Are you and Gigi friends?

Rena: Yeah

Quinton: Awesome, she's very sweet. People say that her and her group are mean but they're actually not.

Rena: Ohh well at least she's nice

Quinton: Yeah definitely

Mrs. Gorman: Hello class! My name is Mrs. Gorman and I'm your chemistry teacher. For today you guys are just gonna fill out a get to know you worksheet and hand it in at the end of class.

My teacher passes out the worksheets and I was filling out my sheet and Quinton was looking at my paper.

Quinton: You like to skateboard?

Rena: Yeah

Quinton: Thats cool! Do you do tricks and stuff?

Rena: Yeah I do

Quinton: Thats cool. I was wondering can I get your number?

Rena: Sure, can I get yours too?

Quinton: Sure. Rena... what's your last name?

Rena: Ferguson-

Quinton: Rena Ferguson with this emoji 🤪

Rena: Haha my number is (***-***-****)

Quinton: Thank you and I will give you mine. It's (***-***-****)

Rena: Thank you!

Quinton: Hey I was wondering if you would like to come hangout at the sway gaming house after school today?

Rena: Thats sounds awesome, but I would have to ask my mom first but I'll go tomorrow

Quinton: Yeah That sounds great!

Rena: I can bring my skateboard!

Quinton: Haha okay

Mrs. Gorman: Have you guys finished your worksheet?

Rena: Yeah

Mrs. Gorman: Okay, I'll take them.

The bell rings and get up to go to 3rd period

Quinton: What class are you doing to now?

Rena: I'm going to art

Quinton: Nice, I'm going to French class

Rena: Awesome!

Quinton: Are you taking French too?

Rena: No I am taking Spanish.

Quinton: Nice

Rena: Do you know Spanish?

Quinton: Haha nope. Oh yeah are you good at art?

Rena: I am a little bit, I'm taking the class as my elective because I like doing it for fun.

Quinton: Thats Nice. Here my class is over there, I'll see you at lunch.

Rena: Okay bye!

After Quinton left, I had to go upstairs to get to art class

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