Chapter 29

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Moms Pov

After having a talk with Rena, she ran upstairs crying and I understand why she's upset. She lost her best friend but she should've listened to me and stayed with her but she chose to disobey me. I'm not gonna punish her or anything. I've already punished her this week and it's gonna make her worse.

Renas POV

Night time.

It is 11:27 pm and I had enough with everything and I decided to run away. I got my backpack, phone, clothes, and my old skateboard and then I quietly went downstairs and I got some food out of the Fridge and I left the house and I skated to wherever I go.

Sunday morning...

Moms POV

I wake up and I was waiting for Rena to come downstairs for breakfast but she's probably still sleeping. But I decided to check up on her and I went into her room but she wasn't there.

Mom: Rena? Where are you?

She probably went out. I went outside and the car is still here and then I went back inside and I went back in her room to check if she took her skateboard but it was still here.

Mom: Mm her skateboard is still here and she didn't take the car... I need to call her.

I tried calling Rena and she wasn't picking up.

Mom: Omg she's not answering! Where is hell is she?!

I went on find my iPhone to find renas location and it was disconnected so now I don't know where she is. I went into the car and I drove everywhere in la to find her and she was no where to be found. And then I just realized that she could've been kidnapped or something. I had to send an amber alert to let people know that she went missing.

Quintons POV

We just finished filming a new YouTube video and then we all got a notification and it's an amber alert.

Quinton: Yo! I just got an amber alert

Griffin: Me too

Blake: I got it too

Bryce: What does it say

Blake: 16 year old, Rena Ferguson has been missing since last night and hasn't been seen since. 5'4, brown hair-


Bryce: WHAT

Griffin: NO WAY


Griffin: How?

Quinton: I'm gonna call her

I tried calling Rena but it went straight to voicemail.

Quinton: Fuck, she's not answering

Griffin: What are you gonna do now?

Quinton: oh yeah I have her on Snapchat, I just hope she has her location on

I went on Snap maps and I found Rena

Quinton: AAAH There she is!

Blake: WHERE?

Quinton: She's in the woods

Blake: The woods?

Bryce: What is she doing there?

Quinton: I don't know but she's there apparently

Bryce: How many minutes is it from here?

Quinton : 36 minutes

Bryce: There's no way she walked that far

Quinton: I'm gonna go find her, I'll be right back

Griffin: Do you want us to come too?

Quinton: No! I caused this and I'm gonna go find her.

Bryce: Good luck!

Josh: Yo Rena went missing!

Bryce: We know... we got the notification

Josh: where's Quinton?

Bryce: Going to find her.

I get in the car and I am on my way to find Rena.

Renas POV

I am at the woods by myself and I ate some snacks that I packed but I couldn't use my phone because it died because I was stupid to forget bringing my portable charger.

Quintons POV

I arrive at the woods and I'm trying to walk through everything and then I see Rena sitting on the ground.

Quinton: Rena...

Renas POV

I'm sitting on the ground and I heard someone say my name and I turned around and it was Quinton. I wasn't expecting him to find me.

Rena: Oh... hey

Quinton: What are you doing in the woods by yourself?

Rena: I- I decided to run away.

Quinton: Why?

Rena: Just everything that's been going on lately

Quinton: Oh

Rena: How did you find me anyways?

Quinton: I got an amber alert saying that you went missing and I tracked your location

Rena: Ugh come on mom!

Quinton: But I know you hate me right now but I am sorry for cheating on you. It was very wrong for me and I am just stupid for doing it. And now because of me I caused you to run away from home...

Rena: Thank you for the apology but that's not why I ran away.

Quinton: It's not?

Rena: No

Quinton: Why? What is it?

Rena: Sit

Quinton sat on the ground with me

Rena: (sighs) You know my best friend, bunny?

Quinton: Yeah... why

Rena: She came to visit me in la for a week and yesterday we went to town together and...

Quinton: What?

Rena: She got hit by a car

Quinton: Omg is she okay?

Rena: She's dead...

Quinton: Omg I'm so sorry

I started to cry and I was hugging Quinton

Rena: (cries) I messed up bad

Quinton: How? It's not your fault

Rena: Yes it is! I should've stayed with her but I decided to wait on line for food and my mom told me to stay with her and she's disappointed in me. I lost everyone. You, Bunny... literally, and my mom.

Quinton: You know what, you mom is probably worried about you right now and I'm gonna take you home.

Rena: Okay

I grabbed my stuff and we walked to Quintons car and he drove me home.

Quinton: So... I know you don't want to be in a relationship with me anymore but do you still want to be friends with me?

Rena: I think we need to separate, and no longer speak to each other

Quinton: Okay if that's what you want

Rena: Thank you

I arrived at my house.

Rena: Thank you

Quinton: You're welcome

Rena: Bye

Quinton drove away.

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