Chapter 34

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I go upstairs to my room and I decided to call Bryce back.

Bryce: Hey Rena what's up?

Rena: Nothing, sorry I didn't call you yesterday, I've been busy.

Bryce: It's okay. So um... you are in Chicago now?

Rena: oh, I'm guessing Quinton found out?

Bryce: Yeah and he's been upset about that. Like he's been in his room crying.

Rena: Oh my god... now I feel bad. I don't want him to feel like this.

Bryce: He keeps saying that it's his fault and that's why you moved

Rena: Oh my god, it's not his fault. I moved because I didn't feel safe in La. it has nothing to do with him.

Bryce: Are you sure?

Rena: Yeah.

Bryce: Oh okay

Rena: I gotta shower

Bryce: Okay bye

Rena: Bye

I hang up and i go take a shower but I wanted to cry but I'm tired of crying. I cried so much this past week and I need to stop being a sensitive crybaby and man up.

A few hours later, it is 9:00 at night and I decided to FaceTime Quinton. I was nervous to and I had my finger near the button and debating if I should call him or not. I decided to press the button to call him.

Quintons POV

I'm in the middle of eating and I hear my phone buzzing and it's Rena and I was surprised.

Quinton: oh my god, Renas calling me!

Bryce: Really?

Quinton: Yeah!


Quinton: I am!

I press the button and I call her

Quinton: Hey Rena

Rena: Hi

Quinton: I wasn't expecting you to call me.

Rena: Yeah, I want to talk to you.

Quinton: I thought you didn't want to anymore

Rena: Forget what I said... this is important. So can I talk to you?

Quinton: Sure, what is it?

Rena: I just want to apologize for not telling you that I moved and for telling you to not talk to me, it was wrong of me. I didn't realize at first and then I started thinking about you and I miss you. And I feel really bad because Bryce told me that you've been upset when you found out that I left and again I just feel really bad.

Quinton: It's okay, thanks for telling me, and I missed you too and I want to apologize for cheating on you and everything I've done, I felt like a jerk and I also feel selfish because i keep thinking it's about me but it's not.

Rena: Well in this case it is, but I am reconsidering is being friends again?

Quinton: Wait actually?

Rena: Yeah

Quinton: Oh... sure that sound great.

Rena: Thank you.

Quinton: So how's your new school?

Rena: It's okay, I got yelled at by a teacher today and he made me cry but other than that it's fine.

Quinton: Oh I'm sorry about that, did you make any friends?

Rena: Yeah, her name is Penny.

Quinton: Oh nice.

Rena: How's Cynthia?

Quinton: She's good, thanks for asking

Rena: Keep her, you deserve her.

Quinton: Thank you

Rena: It's getting late, and I have to get ready for school tomorrow

Quinton: Oh yeah, different time zones...

Rena: Yeah

Quinton: Oh I'll let you go

Rena: Bye

Quinton: Bye

I hung up and I couldn't believe that Rena wants to be friends with me again. I'm so happy right now

Quinton: Yooo!!!

Bryce: How did it go?

Quinton: She called me and wants to be friends with me again

Bryce: Woooo let's goooo

Quinton: YEAAHHHH!!!

Bryce: That's great bud, I'm happy that you're happy

Quinton: Thanks. Wow this is great!

Renas POV

6 months later...

It is May and here's a recap of what happened this year.

My school year got better, I made a lot of friends besides Penny, I turned 17 in December and I have my own car and drivers license, I went to junior prom but I didn't have a date, I just went with my friends, and finally I've been talking to Quinton a lot. Even though we haven't seen each other in a while, we've been talking to each other everyday.

I've been happier now that I'm in Chicago and I'm definitely looking forward for senior year of high school. This has definitely been a huge adventure for me.

The End

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